Chapter 22 - Tomorrow's Dreams

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Lily Matthews

Patrick and I have been back together for three weeks now, and every moment of it has been even better than it was before. We rarely leave each other's sights, and when we do, it's only for work. I haven't had a steady job since Save Rock and Roll, but I know I'll have another one as soon as they tour the new record. The album, American Beauty/American Psycho, was finished finally, and due to be released in just a few months' time. At the moment, Patrick and I had the entire band crammed into our living room, trying to discuss ideas for videos that they could pitch to their manager later this week.

I would be lying if I said I didn't notice when Patrick motioned for Pete to follow him into the other room. I stayed put on the couch beside Andy, trying my best to seem like I hadn't noticed. They came back about ten minutes later, Pete with a beer in his hand (his third one this afternoon), and Patrick with a strange grin on his face. He glanced at me as he came back to sit between Andy and I and his smile faltered just a tiny bit, telling me that they had definitely been hiding something from me. I looked away as he slipped his arm around my shoulders and looked at Pete as he began gulping down his beer.

The guys carried on for a while and Pete had a few more beers. Joe did as well and Andy stuck to water like he always does, but I noticed that Patrick made sure to take it easy. Towards the end of the night, as the boys were all getting ready to leave, Andy and Pete got up and headed for the kitchen to discard of their empty glass and beer bottle. Patrick and Joe were still talking, so I jumped up and took my chance. I walked into the kitchen to see Pete with his head in my refrigerator and Andy washing his glass at the sink. I sidled up next to Pete and leaned on the counter with a smirk. "Hey, Pete."

He pulled his head out of the fridge and slammed the door shut as if he knew I would yell at him for raiding our food. "I wasn't...uh...y'know," he motioned towards the fridge with a blush, and I shook my head. He was definitely a little tipsy.

"It's fine, Pete," I giggled, "I just wanted to ask you something."

"What's up?" He asked, leaning against the fridge. I heard the sink stop running, and Andy began drying his hands on the hand towel hanging from the drawer beside me.

"You know when Patrick asked you to come in here with him earlier?" Pete nodded, and I glanced at the doorway cautiously. "What did he need to talk to you about?"

"Oh that," Pete giggled, slurring his words a bit, "That was just about tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, I'm taking him to go and – mmph!" Andy had clapped a hand over Pete's face, glaring at him before shooting a smile to me.

"That's enough of that, Pete," Andy chuckled, trying to pull him away from me. "He says the silliest things when he's drunk."

"Andy –"

"I'd better get him home before she starts saying some really crazy things...."

"Andy!" I grabbed Pete's hand, trying to pull him back to me, but Andy was holding him tightly enough that I failed. "What are you guys hiding from me?"

"You'll see soon enough, Lily," Andy finally sighed, "It's supposed to be a surprise."

I groaned and let go of Pete, who was still giggling from behind Andy's hand, and let them go. Maybe I could force it out of Patrick later. I headed back into the living room with them and said goodbye to everyone before they left. Patrick started cleaning up the living room once they were gone and I gathered up all the dirty dishes from the pizza we'd had earlier. I took them to the sink to clean them, and in a matter of moments, I felt a pair of arms snaking around my waist. "Have I mentioned how much I love you?" Patrick whispered in my ear, making me blush as I scrubbed the grease off of a plate.

"Only every day," I giggled.

"Mmm...I don't tell you enough, then." He buried his nose in my neck and sighed, patiently waiting for me to finish the dishes. Once I did, he turned me around and took my hands in his, lacing our fingers together as he pushed me back against the counter and kissed me. He braced his hands against the edge of the sink behind me and hummed happily against my lips before he pulled away just a fraction of an inch to smile at me. "I love you so much, Lily," he whispered, his eyes burning into mine.

I smiled back and reached up to pull him closer by the cardigan he was wearing. "I love you too, Patrick," I whispered. I kissed him again, then draped my arms around his shoulders. He took his cue and lifted me into his arms, still kissing me, and carried me up to our bedroom. He set me down on our bed, crawling over me and moving his kisses to my neck. As I tangled my fingers in his hair, a mischievous smirk formed on my lips. "Patrick?"

"Hmm?" He hummed as he nipped at my collarbone.

"What were you and Pete talking about in the kitchen earlier?"

Patrick laughed lightly and stopped kissing me to look me in the eyes. "Did you think it would be that easy?" I shrugged and he kissed my nose before climbing off of me and pulling his shirt off.

"It was worth a try," I sighed, watching as Patrick changed into his pajamas.

"Don't worry about it," Patrick insisted, refusing to look at me as he pulled his Batman pants on.

"Was it about me?" I asked.

"Yep," Patrick answered without looking at me.

"Are you going somewhere with him tomorrow?"


"To do something that has to do with me?"


"What is it?"

"Don't worry about it." He looked up at me and grinned, then came to sit beside me on the bed. I pouted as he pulled me against his side. "Don't worry, I promise you'll like it."

"Fine," I groaned, moving away from him to crawl into bed. He chuckled at my childish pouting and climbed in beside me as I kicked off my jeans and decided to keep the t-shirt I was already wearing on.

"Goodnight baby girl," he whispered, kissing my cheek and curling up behind me.

"Night, Patrick," I sighed, snuggling back into him, even though I couldn't stop wondering what tomorrow would hold.

A/N: Sorry this is super short, but it's all I've had time for. I'm going to try to update again by Thursday, but I can't make too many promises, please bear with me! After this weekend, my updating schedule should be back to normal. On the plus side, I got really bored in class today, and accidentally wrote the first five chapters of my next book, that I'm gonna start uploading as soon as this one is finished. I think this one will probably have five or so more chapters before it's done, and then I hope you'll all enjoy the next one! Again, sorry this is so short and sorry the writing is kind of awful in this chapter, I haven't had time to write like normal because of finals. I love you guys!

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