Chapter 18 - While the Rhythm of the Rain Keeps Time

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Lily Matthews

I had been staying in this cheap, run down motel for well over a month now. I haven't had the courage to go back, and I still haven't talked to any of the guys. Pete tried calling a few times within the first week, then Joe the week after. Andy tried calling every day, still. But Patrick never called again after that day, as if he knew I wouldn't answer. If he called, rather than the band, I might have picked up. There have been countless times that I wanted to call him, and even more times when I dialed his number, but I never actually called him. I was terrified that he didn't want me to come back.

It was as if I had left and after being gone for that first day, he had completely forgotten about me. I wondered constantly if he was seeing that other girl now, the pretty one from the party. I wouldn't blame him if he was. Hell, I wouldn't even be mad. He's better off with someone else anyways. I'm too skinny, too simple, and just not good enough for him.

Nevertheless, I knew all this time that I would eventually have to go back to his house and get the rest of my things. And when I did, I simply hoped that she wouldn't be there. If he was out as well, then that would be a bonus. Unless he'd changed the locks, and my key didn't work. Either way, I was going over there today. However, as I started packing my things into the backpack I had taken, I started to doubt myself. What if he did want me back? Perhaps I should at least try to talk to him first before I go and raid his house for my things. Sighing to myself, I threw the last of my things into my bag and lifted it over my shoulder and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. I glanced at it and found two missed calls from Andy today.

After I checked out of my room, I decided that maybe the best place to start would be with Andy. I drove to his house and parked in the driveway. I'd been here a few times with Patrick, but walking up the driveway, I felt like a total stranger. I hesitated at the door, but finally lifted a hand to knock. A few painfully silent moments passed, and then the door swung open. Andy was standing there, staring at me as if he was looking at a ghost, and then he suddenly rushed forward and pulled me into his arms. In an instant, I was crying and he was pulling me into the house.

He closed the door and pulled me over to the couch in the living room, still holding me against his chest as I cried into his shoulder. "Lily," he whispered, stroking a hand over my hair, "We've been so worried." I didn't say anything, but slowly regained my composure and wiped my tears on the back of my sleeve. Andy pulled away from me and looked at me like he pitied me. "You haven't answered your phone," he said, sounding upset now. "I've been trying to call you for weeks."

"I know," I whispered, looking down at my hands. "I just didn't want to talk to anyone."

"You could have let us know you were okay," Andy said, not really scolding me, but sounding firm all the same. I looked up at him and he softened, seeing the tears in my eyes. "What are you doing here?" He finally asked.

"I...I don't know," I confessed, sniffling as I looked down at my hands again. "I needed to know, if you knew if Patrick is at home, I guess."

Andy stared at me for a moment, his expression turning grave. "You want to see him?" He asked. I nodded and he looked away, running a hand thoughtfully over his bearded chin. "I don't know, Lily," he sighed, standing up. My heart dropped as he started to pace.

"It's okay," I said, standing up as well. "I know he doesn't want me back, it's fine."

"What do you mean?" Andy asked, looking at me like he was lost. I'm sure he was confused by the fact that I was so calm about Patrick moving on.

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