Chapter 5 - Don't Take Love Off the Table Yet

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Patrick Stump

When we arrived at Pete's house the next morning, it wasn't exactly the most unsuspicious thing I'd ever done. The guys were all standing outside around the busses, suitcases and bags sitting at their feet. Andy was climbing onto our bus, hauling a bag in after him, but Pete and Joe were staring inquiringly at Lily and I. As I climbed out of the car, I gave them an excited smile, as if nothing was out of the ordinary, and went to the trunk of Lily's car. She was already pulling her bags out of the backseat, so I grabbed my things and headed over to the guys. Pete eyed Lily curiously as I set my things down. "Morning, Patrick," he said with a knowing grin.

"Morning," I said, shooting him a look that told him he didn't actually know anything.

"Caught a ride with Lily this morning?" Joe asked, knowing I hadn't been in our hotel room last night.

"Yeah, I crashed on her couch last night after I went over to help her pack," I told them, feeling an odd need to explain myself to them. I shouldn't have to; It's not like I did anything really out of the ordinary.

"Patrick," Pete said, dragging out the vowels in my name and nodding at me with a triumphant smile. "Good job, man."

"It wasn't like that, Pete," I sighed, rolling my eyes at him. "Not even close."

"But you wanted to?" He asked, nudging my arm as Joe chuckled at him.

"No," I stated, defiantly, "She's just a friend."

As I said that, Lily appeared behind me, waving excitedly to Pete and Joe. "Hey guys," she chimed, smiling brightly.

"Hello, Lily," Pete grinned, moving to give her a short hug.

"I'm on that bus?" She asked, pointing to the one behind ours.

"Yes ma'am," Joe said, also grinning like he knew something that the rest of us didn't.

"Alright," Lily said, lifting her beg over her shoulder again, "I guess I'll see you guys later tonight!" She began to walk away, struggling slightly under the weight of her bags, so I quickly moved to take one from her hands.

"Here, let me...." I said, smiling at her as she grinned thankfully. I followed her onto the crew bus, painfully aware of Pete's eyes on my back the whole time. He's been pestering me for weeks now about Lily, because he genuinely thinks I have a huge crush on her, which I don't. She's just a very kind, very beautiful girl, who I happen to be close friends with. Nothing more, nothing less.

I climbed the stairs onto the bus carefully, following Lily to the bunk section of the bus. Marcus, our body guard, was already here and set up on one of the bottom bunks. He waved and said good morning as I dumped Lily's things on the bunk she picked, above Marcus'. I followed her back out to the front lounge and opened my arms expectantly to her. "Do I get a hug goodbye?" I asked, pouting at her slightly but playfully. She giggled and gave me that beautiful smile of hers, then fell into my arms with her head resting against my shoulder. Lily was one of those people who gave really gentle, sweet hugs; The kind that just make you happy for the rest of the day without really trying.

When I pulled way and we said our goodbyes, I bounded down the stairs back onto the pavement and grabbed my bags where Joe and Pete had abandoned them. I climbed onto my bus and immediately smiled. This was our first tour back together, and it was like coming home after a long vacation away. Andy was already watching TV, but I walked past him to the bunks to begin setting up my things. Pete was laying in his bunk above mine, on his phone, and Joe was already passed out in his. As soon as I sat down, Pete leaned over the side and looked at me upside-down with a wide grin. "Hey lover-boy," he said.

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