Chapter 12 - The Rush in My Veins

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Patrick Stump

"Let's tell him," I stated, turning my head to look at Lily. We were laying in the hotel bed, first thing in the morning, and neither of us wanted to move. We had another show in town later tonight, so we knew we had all day to ourselves. However, Pete had just text me to ask if I wanted to go to lunch with the rest of the guys. I knew I couldn't keep hiding the fact that Lily and I were together, and I definitely didn't want to go to lunch without her. So, I figured today was as good a day as any to tell the rest of the band.

Lily rolled her head over to meet my gaze, her fingers tightening around mine. We were both laying on our backs, our hands entwined between us beneath the sheets. I was in my boxers and a t-shirt, and Lily was wearing a red tank top with blue plaid pajama pants. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, but she looked gorgeous first thing in the morning, just like last time. She smiled at me, biting her lip nervously. "Are you sure?" She asked.

"Lily," I sighed, rolling onto my side to lean over her. "I want to scream it to the world."

"Yeah, but Pete's obnoxious," she giggled. She moved her free hand, and I could feel her playing with the hem of my shirt. Even after our dance last night, she had continued trying to undress me, always to no avail.

"Yeah, that's true." She giggled as I smiled down at her, her pretty green eyes crinkling at the corners. "I still want to tell him, though."

"Okay," she agreed, grinning. "And the fans?"

She looked worried, and I knew that they were what scared her most. She didn't want them to hate her. "They can wait a little longer," I whispered, leaning down to kiss her before I rolled back over. She smiled thankfully at me.

"So how are we telling Pete and Joe?" She asked, looking up at the ceiling in thought. I did the same, sighing.

"Hmm...well, we could just show up to lunch and act like nothing out of the ordinary is going on. That could be funny."

"We could do that," Lily giggled. "I like that idea."

"Do you know what I like?" I asked, glancing at her. She looked at me in question. "You." She blushed, shaking her head at me, and rolled over to curl into my side. I held her tight, kissing the top of her head, then forced myself to pull away. "We should get ready to leave," I groaned, dragging myself out of bed. Lily followed suit, but sat on the edge of the bed and watched me as I went to pull some clothes out of my bag. I pulled out a t-shirt, jeans, and my black cardigan, throwing them on the bed, and looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow. "Do you wanna watch, or...?"

Lily glared at me playfully as I teasingly tugged at the waistband of my boxers, then got up and walked past me to head for the bathroom, taking her bag with her. I chuckled and got dressed, running my hands through my hair a few times before finally putting my fedora on. A few minutes later, Lily walked out of the bathroom. She was dressed in a Panic! At the Disco t-shirt and skinny jeans, with a dark pink knitted beanie over her curly red hair. She looked stunning, as always. "Ready to do this?" She asked, throwing her purse over her shoulder. I grinned and nodded, offering my hand to her.

"Let's go make Pete's day," I chuckled, leading her out of our hotel room. I text Pete to tell him that I was on my way down to the lobby, not mentioning that Lily would be with me. We got on the elevator, stopping on the floor I was supposed to be staying on, and found Andy waiting. He grinned and shook his head as he climbed onto the elevator. "Morning, Andy," Lily and I chimed together, smiling as he grinned at us.

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