Chapter 13 - I Need to Run Dry

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Lily Matthews

The last night of the tour ended in Chicago, with a spectacular show. Patrick especially loved performing in his hometown, and it genuinely showed in the way he sang that night. The entire tour has been spectacular, especially after I moved into the boys' tour bus. They were wonderfully accepting of me as Patrick's girlfriend once they all found out, and they all even went out of their way to make sure we had some alone time here and there.

Tonight, however, we wouldn't be spending the night on a bus. We would be driven back to Pete's house after the show, where my car was still waiting from the day we started the tour. However, Pete had apparently asked the guys to stay the night, and they had even invited me. So, at the moment, I was waiting on the bus for them to all pile on, as soon as they were finished cleaning up from the show. It wasn't long before the familiar after-show smell of my boyfriend invaded my nose, making me scrunch up my face as he sat down beside me.

"Don't make that face at me," he laughed, pulling me into a hug before I could fight him off. "So how was the show tonight?"

"It was great," I said, pushing desperately at his chest. "You were wonderful, but babe, you really need a shower."

Patrick giggled and kissed my cheek before pulling away. Andy walked onto the bus then, smiling at both of us. "I call shower first," Patrick said, jumping up to his feet. Andy nodded and turned on the TV, but Patrick leaned back down to capture my lips before he went off to shower. "I love you," he whispered, just low enough that Andy wouldn't hear him.

I smiled and kissed him again. He'd only just started saying that a few weeks ago, but once he'd said it once, he couldn't help but remind me constantly. "I love you too," I whispered, making him smile widely before he ran off to the shower. He wasn't gone long, and the others didn't take long to shower before we were finally pulling into Pete's driveway. We all piled off the bus, our bags in hand, and Pete led us into the house. Patrick and I threw our bags down in the living room on a loveseat, while Pete carried his things up to his bedroom. Andy and Joe copied us, and then Pete came bounding back down the stairs.

"Who's up for a celebratory drink?" He asked, clapping his hands together excitedly. "There's a bar right down the street."

Andy sighed, but Joe enthusiastically agreed. Patrick looked to me for my opinion and I shrugged, so he nodded along. As quickly as we had come in, we were all leaving the house and heading for the bar. Pete found us a table when we walked in, a round booth near the back of the place, and I slid in between Patrick and Andy. I decided to only have a few drinks, that way Andy wouldn't be solely responsible for walking four drunks home. I babied the rum and coke I'd ordered, while Pete wasted no time slamming back a few beers. I've noticed that the boys don't really drink much at all, but when they do, it's never taken lightly.

Patrick had only had a few drinks by the time he was dragging me out to the dancefloor in the center of the room, but he was a little guy; It didn't take much. He was giggling and tripping over himself as he turned to pull me into his arms. "Lily," he slurred, dropping his chin onto my shoulder, "I looooove you."

"I love you too, Patrick," I giggled, trying my best to keep him from falling over as he tried his best to dance with me.

"I'm so glad you're staying with us tonight," he mumbled. "I just wanna lay next to you forever and ever."

"I know, Patrick," I sighed, "Me too."

"You're so pretty." I felt his hand move up to my head, petting my hair to emphasize his point. "Pretty, pretty."

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