Chapter 19 - In a Melody of Tears

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Patrick Stump

I stood still for a long time, barely processing the fact that she had left. My cheek burned where she had slapped me, but I probably deserved it. I was being a little bit of an ass, but only because I was so upset that she had left me scared for over a month. I had been terrified, day and night, for weeks, and here she was just casually strolling back into my life like nothing had happened. And she was fine. She wasn't hurt. She was alive and well, and she was right in front of me again.

I didn't move until I heard the front door of the building slam shut. I turned and looked toward the sound, remembering that she had said something to me before she left. I hadn't heard her when she'd said it, or I hadn't listened, and now I was wracking my brain trying to think of what she'd said. It had to be important, because she'd left immediately after. I turned and shut off all of the equipment, leaving my recording and my notes, and even my fedora. I grabbed my keys and left the building, finding myself standing in a empty parking lot, in the middle of a downpour. I could hear a car speeding away from the building, and then her words echoed in my head like a dream I had forgotten about. I'll be gone before you get home tonight.

She was leaving me, for real this time. I quickly ran to my car and got in, not caring how wet I was, or that my hair was plastered to my forehead and over the front of my glasses. I pulled out of the lot as quickly as I could, speeding to catch up with her. I was halfway home before I found myself behind a familiar little red car. She didn't seem to notice me, so I simply calmed down and followed her the rest of the way to my house.

As we pulled into the driveway, my heart thundered. She wasn't getting away from me again. She's left me twice already, in one way or another, but not this time. I got out of the car at the same time that she did, and she turned around to look at me in desperate frustration. "Don't," she shouted over the noise of the pouring rain. "Let me do this, Patrick."

She was pleading with me, but I didn't care. I didn't want to let her, because I knew she didn't want to go through with it. I slammed my door shut and pushed my hair away from my face, getting even more soaked as I marched towards her, blocking out her pleading and her stammering as I closed upon her. It was like a flashback, to the day I'd stormed into her trailer and kissed her. That day, I had been covered in fake blood. Today, I was dripping with rain water, and my clothes were plastered to my skin. She looked exactly the same, but she was beautiful. She was still yelling at me as I grabbed her by the waist and crashed my lips to hers, but she hushed immediately, kissing me back like her life depended on it.

My lips slid effortlessly over hers with the rain, and I felt like I couldn't pull her close enough. My hands slipped over the fabric of her shirt, so I ended up grasping desperately at whatever I could. Eventually, she agreed with the issue that we weren't close enough, and wrapped her arms around my neck, jumping up to wrap her legs around my hips. I held her tightly with one arm around her back and one holding onto her thigh. Part of me wanted to start running into the house with her, but another part of me told me that would probably be a bad idea. Instead, I turned and pressed her against her car. She snaked her hands up to my sopping wet hair, tugging gently as she buried her fingers in it.

I moaned an apology into her mouth, telling her over and over that I was sorry as I kissed her. She repeated it back to me, then silenced me with her tongue and ran her hand over my cheek, where she had slapped me earlier. I pressed closer to her against the car, helplessly grinding my hips against hers. She gasped into my mouth and I knew that she wouldn't protest if I tried right now.

I lifted her away from the car and hurriedly carried her towards the house, never once breaking the kiss. I didn't even care if our neighbors saw us. I nearly slammed her against the front door as I fumbled in my pocket for the keys, quickly shoving them into the lock and stumbling into the house with her. The second the door was closed behind us, I dropped her onto her feet and started pulling my jacket off. I threw it on the floor, still without breaking our kiss, and her hands immediately began tugging on the bottom of my shirt. I helped her get it off of me, having to break the kiss for just a second, before grabbing her face and slamming back into her.

She started lifting her shirt up, breaking the kiss again, and I brought my hands to her bare waist. As she flung her shirt away, I pushed her against the nearest wall, desperate for some kind of friction and pressure as I pressed my hips against her. Our kiss wasn't even really a kiss anymore; It was more of an angry battle of tongues and teeth, biting and growling at each other like animals. That was our aggression, that kiss, and we were getting it all out now before I carried her upstairs and ravished her like I so desperately wanted to.

Her hair was still dripping wet as I pushed my fingers into it, gently pulling her head back as I sunk down to her neck, nipping at her skin and teasing her with my tongue. Before I knew it, her hands were sliding into the back pockets of my jeans, squeezing me closer to her as she bucked her hips against me. It couldn't wait any longer. We needed each other.

I lifted her up again, bridal-style this time, and kissed her deeply as I headed for the stairs. I kicked off my wet shoes as I went, then nudged the bedroom door open with my hip as I carried her inside. I laid her down gently on the bed, immediately climbing on top of her and reconnecting our lips passionately. Her hands were all over me, eventually finding their way to the zipper of my jeans. She fumbled with it for a moment, but as soon as she started pushing them off of me, I helped by kicking them towards the door. I reached behind her next and unclipped her bra, pulling it from her before I flung it against the wall to my right. I dove down without hesitation, burying my face in her neck and kissing my way down to her breasts.

For a moment, I stilled against her, lifting my head to look at her breathlessly. She gasped silently, trying to catch her breath, and looked back up at me with her bright green eyes. I smiled at her, biting my lip for second. "I love you, Lily," I whispered.

She ran a hand through my dripping hair for a moment, smiling back at me. "I love you too, Patrick."

Those words were all I needed to hear. I kissed her again, this time much more calm and less needy. I took my time, finishing undressing her slowly, and taking care to kiss every inch of her skin. I made love to her slowly, all night long, until the early hours of the morning, when we were finally spent. She fell asleep in my arms, her hair still a little damp from the rain and now with sweat. But she was beautiful. And she was perfect.


When I woke up in the early afternoon, she wasn't in bed with me. For a moment, I felt tears well up in my eyes and my heart swelled with hurt. It was a dream again. Another dream like the ones I've been having for weeks. But then, I realized that my clothes were still on the floor. I glanced around the room and noticed her clothes strewn about at well. She was here. She was safe.

I jumped out of bed and threw on a clean t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, then bounded down the stairs like a child. I heard faint music playing in the kitchen, so I followed the sound and found her there, standing over the stove. I quickly walked up behind her and slid my arms around her waist, making her jump slightly. "Morning," I whispered, pressing a kiss to her cheek and resting my chin on her shoulder. I could see her blushing and smiling from here.

"Morning, Patrick." She went back to what she was doing, but I could feel her lean back slightly against me. She was making pancakes, and they looked delicious. As much as I want to keep standing here and kissing her, we hadn't exactly discussed anything last night. I was still scared that she wouldn't stay. I held her a little tighter then, my anxious worrying making her glance over her shoulder at me.

"Don't leave," I whispered. "Stay."

"Patrick," She sighed, shutting the stove off and turning in my arms.

"Stay with me."

"Patrick," she repeated, "I'm not going anywhere." She placed her hands on my neck, pulling me in for a short kiss. It was like everything was back to normal, and all it took was a bit of screaming, and a bit of pushing each other around until we realized how stupid we were acting. She was mine again, and I was hers. Everything else was forgotten.

A/N: Sorry for the short update! Finals are coming up pretty soon, and I've been really busy writing essays. I've also had a lot of personal problems at home lately, but I am going to try my best to continue updating every day. I might miss a few days here and there, but I promise I will update when I can. I sincerely apologize for the next week or so, because I know it's going to be hectic. Love you guys!

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