Chapter 25 - May Nothing but Death Do Us Part

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Lily Matthews

            For the next week after that passionate night, everything went back to the way it was. Patrick was never home, and when he was, he was working in his studio. I didn't mind it so much this time, because I knew I was being a little selfish and he was just trying his best, like he always does. He was busy, and I knew that was just something that came with dating a rock star. I went about my own business for the week, keeping out of Patrick's way, but also being sure to tell him that I loved him every chance I got. When Friday finally rolled around, however, things changed.

            I woke up to the sunlight pouring in through the window, hitting me right in the face and making me turn over with a groan. I pulled the blankets around me until I was basically a human burrito, desperately hoping to fall back asleep. This had become my norm, not really willing to roll out of bed until the early afternoon, because I had nothing better to do with Patrick being so busy. What I didn't expect, was the groan of protest that came from across the bed. "Babe?" I poked my head out of the blankets to see Patrick still laying on his side of the bed, though he was now blanket-less. "What the hell? Blanket hog."

            Patrick rolled towards me with a sleepy grin and pulled the blankets back over his bare legs and squirmed closer to me. He pulled me into the warmth of his arms and kissed my forehead, while I just stared at him in confusion. He was normally long gone by now, whether he be with the guys, or downstairs in his studio, I definitely hadn't woken up next to him in well over a month. When he finally pulled back to look down at me, he grinned. "Good morning."

            "Hi," I breathed, still looking at him like he shouldn't be here. He must have caught on, because he giggled and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

            "I'm all yours today, sweetheart." He winked at me, and I sat up, suddenly very excited to start the day. Patrick smirked at me and sat up beside me. "Well, all yours until six, this evening."

            My smile faltered a bit at that, but I knew I couldn't really be too picky. At last I had most of the day with him. "What's at six?" I asked curiously, despite myself.

            "Well," Patrick mused, leaning in to kiss my neck with a suggestive smile. "At six, I can't be all yours, because tonight, I want you to be all mine." He kept kissing me, his teeth grazing over my skin and I shivered.

            "Fair enough," I giggled, trying to pull away from him but he only wrapped his arms around me and pulled me right back to him. I squealed happily as he kissed my neck again, and we fell back into bed together.


            After a long morning and early afternoon of rolling around in our bedsheets, Patrick and I finally emerged from the bedroom. I started on a late lunch, while Patrick showered, and then we ate together. It seemed like it had been forever since I'd had the chance to cook for him and actually share a meal together. He played footsie with me beneath the table as we ate, and the rest of his attention was focused on his phone, since he hadn't done a Q&A in a while.

            After lunch, Patrick surprised me by telling me that he was taking me to dinner. He told me to dress nice but casual, so I opted for a thin white dress, similar to the red one Patrick had bought for me a while ago, with an open back. I laid the dress out on our bed and hopped in the shower while Patrick waited patiently for me downstairs. When I emerged with a towel wrapped around me, I found him in our bedroom, lightly running his fingers over the dress I had chosen with a smile. He looked up at me when heard the bathroom door close, and he smirked. I smiled as I sashayed past him to do my hair in the mirror. "Like what you see?" I teased, eyeing him in the mirror as he walked towards me slowly.

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