Chapter 16 - When I Made You Cry

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Lily Matthews

It took us a month to move my things into Patrick's house and sell the apartment. Within that month, the boys were busy beginning their new album, but they all made time to help me move my things. That was one of my favorite things about these guys; They were always there to help each other, even if it meant taking up their free time moving in Patrick's girlfriend. And best of all, they were all beyond happy for us.

Patrick was perfect. I couldn't ask for more from him. He brought me with him to the studio whenever he could, and even tagged along sometimes when I had a job doing makeup for whatever happened to be available. He'd made a point of insisting that I would be working with Fall Out Boy again as soon as they began filming videos for the new record.

After I moved in, the next few months passed in a blur. The boys had just begun recording again, after weeks of endless writing and Pete and Patrick whining to each other about which songs should or shouldn't be scrapped. As Pete always suggested, celebration was, of course, in order. He was throwing a party at his house tonight, with all of the boys' closest friends, and a few people that Pete happened to know. I knew there would be a lot of drinking, knowing Pete, so I was ready to be the designated driver for the night.

I stood in front of the mirror in our bedroom, looking at myself in the dress Patrick had bought me for the occasion. I had come home this afternoon from grocery shopping, and found the dress laid out over our bed. Patrick had been at the studio, and still was, while I was getting a head start in getting ready for the party. I spun around for myself, wondering if I liked the way my hair looked. The dress was red, slim fitting up top, but flowed out at the bottom. The color made my hair stand out even more than it already did, and I knew that's what Patrick had been hoping for. The back was open, revealing most of the tattoo he loved so much. I had to admit, just looking at myself in the mirror, I took my own breath away in this dress. Despite how much I didn't want him to spoil me, I made a mental note to let him buy me dresses more often.

My hair was down in its natural curls, which I knew Patrick loved, so I decided to leave it just like that. I did my makeup, and just as I was finishing, I heard the front door open. "Babe?" Patrick called, making me blush at the pet name.

"I'm in here," I called back to him, looking myself up and down once more in the mirror. He walked in while I was looking at myself, and I could see him behind me through the mirror, frozen in the doorway. I smiled at him, but he didn't even notice, because his eyes were busy looking me up and down. "What do you think?" I asked innocently, knowing by the look in his eyes that he already loved it.

"Wow," he breathed, finally stepping into the room. He walked up behind me, finally connecting his gaze with mine through the mirror, and set his hands on my hips. "You look amazing, Lily," he whispered. I smirked at him and one of his hands left my hip to trace his finger over the curve of the left wing of my phoenix tattoo. With a sigh, he gently turned me around and buried his face in my neck suddenly. "We're not going to the party."

"Patrick," I giggled, squirming in his arms as he lightly bit at my neck. "Patrick, we have to go!"

"Nope. I'm staying right here and making love to my girlfriend all night," he insisted, running his hands down my sides and pulling me against him to emphasize his point.

I squealed as he suddenly lifted me up and moved me to the bed so he could climb over me and continue kissing my neck. "Patrick, we're going to the party," I laughed, "But I promise, if you go and get ready right now, we can leave early and you can have me all to yourself for the rest of the night."

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