Chapter 14 - I'm Supposed to Love You

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Lily Matthews

I woke up to a loud groan coming from the floor. I rolled away from Patrick, finding Joe struggling to get to his feet. He looked around in a daze, until his eyes landed on me. He gave me a halfhearted wave to say good morning, then slumped off towards the kitchen. Pete was still passed out on the chair, and Patrick was still tightly wrapped around me, a soft mumbling coming from his lips as he breathed. I gently pulled his arms way from me and got up, following Joe to the kitchen. He was already making coffee, and he had found a box of aspirin, which was sitting on the counter. "Morning," I muttered, sitting down at the island.

"Mmm," Joe replied, staring down at the coffee pot as it brewed. When it was finished, he poured himself a cup and then slid the pot over to me, along with a mug. I poured some for myself as he searched Pete's fridge for cream. "How much did I drink last night?" He asked as he stirred cream and sugar into his coffee. I took the sugar from him and began spooning it into my coffee.

"I don't know, honestly," I told him, "I was busy keeping Patrick out of trouble. I think Pete drank more than you did, though."

"Shit," Joe sighed, sipping his coffee. "He's not gonna be a happy camper when he wakes up."

"Nope," I said, smiling slightly. As if on cue, a loud curse sounded from the living room, followed by a thump.

"Shut the fuck up," Patrick's groggy voice carried into the kitchen. Joe chuckled into his coffee mug, but I got up to wander back into the living room. Pete was dropping the pillow that Patrick had thrown at him onto the floor, still groaning quietly and holding his head. Patrick, now pillow-less, was curled into the back of the couch, his face pressed against the cushions. I smirked at him, and looked back at Pete.

"Son of a bitch," Pete whined, slowly sitting up. "Why the hell are all the windows open?"

"They aren't," I giggled, glancing around the room.

"The fucking blinds," he groaned. "Close them." I shook my head and went about closing all of the shades on the windows, effectively making the room almost pitch black. When I finished, Patrick was rolling over and trying to get comfortable. I walked back to where Pete was now sitting up and grabbed the pillow off the floor. "Don't give that back to him," Pete mumbled. "He's an asshole."

"Yeah, but he's my asshole," I sighed, taking the pillow anyways and walking over to the couch. "Sit up, Patrick," I said, sitting on the edge of the couch. He groaned and curled himself around me. "Come on, Patrick, you'll be more comfortable with your pillow back." He slowly blinked his eyes open at me, glaring, but he lifted his head and let me set the pillow down. He dropped his head back on the pillow and stretched his arms over his head, wincing as he did so.

"Lay with me," he whispered, gently tugging on my arm until I complied. Once I was snuggled up beside him, he pressed his lips to my forehead. "I'm sorry about last night," he whispered.

"You remember?" I asked, looking up at him with a small smirk. He nodded. "It's okay," I whispered, kissing his lips. "I love you, Patrick."

"I love you too, Lily," he whispered. He kissed me again, slowly and longer this time, until Pete finally managed to stand up.

"Not on my couch," he whined, "At least go and find a bedroom." Patrick pulled away from me then, chuckling as Pete shuffled into the kitchen. I helped him sit up, smirking at the pained expression on his face, and then pulled him to his feet.

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