Act Of War

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Just when I found the perfect man somebody try and take him from me. As soon as he passed out I floored the gas and took off to the hospital. I ain't care about the guns in the car or none of that shit all I kept thinking was I don't want the next time I see his mom and son to be viewing his body. I love this man with everything in me. He gotta pull through so we can have our life together. " Baby you gotta wake up God please don't take him from me. Not now." I pull up to the emergency room entrance we get him out toss the guns in the car and Tre and them pull off while me and K-9 carrying him in. One look and they on him. He woke up long enough to tell the doctors, " Any questions or decisions ask Joy and Key'Shawn." He looked at me told me he loved me and then he started seizing. "K-9 I can't lose him that's my baby. I love him so much I didn't even get to tell him" "I know this shit is all my fault if I never would of beat dude ass in the joint my brother wouldn't be in here." I hugged him close. "No you and I both no that ain't true if them bitch ass niggas would of just waited they could of got they round now they bout to feel it." I wiped my tears and went into boss mode. "I need you to call his mom and let her know whats going on?" I went back to where they had him. His doctor said he was stable and they was getting ready to take him up to surgery but if i\I could keep it short they would let me see him. I walked in his room they had his clothes cut off and even though he was fucked up he still got to me. "Hey miss lady" "I didn't know you were woke." "Yea lil mama I'm up." "What they say?" "One was in and out it ain't hit nothing but the other one punctured my lung and ruptured my spleen I should be okay though." "That's good." "Wheres your car?"You the only person I know get shot and worry about a car. Mo gone grab it." "You know what this mean right Chase?" "Yea baby I know how the game go." "It's war and I ain't gone stop until they're all dead." Where's K-9 at?" "He calling ya mom. Baby I got this I'm gone have your mom take her and the kids to my house." His doctor walks in miss we have to take your boyfriend or iis he your , husband up to the surgical department. "Okay" I kissed him and told him "I love you too now get through this surgery and I'll be here when you wake up." He gave me a nod and they took him out the room.

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