Ch. 3

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"Okay everyone! Training, check! Get back to paperworks!" Reborn yell.

Entering the plane, 08 : 00 AM *CHECK*
Doing paperworks, 08 : 30 AM - 09 : 00 AM *CHECK*
Training, 09 : 00 AM - 10 : 00 AM *CHECK*
Paperworks, 10 : 00 AM - 11 : 00 AM
Training, 11 : 00 AM - 12 : 00 PM
Lunch, 12 : 00 PM - 12 : 30 PM
Paperworks, 12 : 30 PM - 13 : 00 PM
Training, 13 : 00 PM - 14 : 00 PM
Paperworks, 14 : 00 PM - 15 : 00 PM
Training, 15 : 00 PM - 17 : 00 PM
Get out from plane, 17 : 00 PM

'Why must this happen?!' The guardians thought. All of the classmates are n/either sleeping ot playing at the arcade.

"By the way, what about Enma-kun?" Tsuna ask while they were walking to their offices.

"He will show up at the mansion later. With his guardians." Reborn answer. They were all caught off guard. After all they already tired and they were suprised by the sudden appearing of Reborn.

"HIEEEE!! Reborn!!" Tsuna say suprised. He also fell.

"Hurry up! You're falling behind the schedule." Reborn say as he kick the felling Tsuna.

"Hai!!!" They say and ran.

Meanwhile with the friends~

"Hey, what's this ruckus?" B2 ask.

"Dunno. Want to see?" B5 ask.

"Sure!" B4 say.

They are a bunch of naughty student. The gang is, B2, B4, B5, B7, B9, B10, B19, B27, B33.

They all sneak to the voice. And after they walk, they met a guard.

"Please show us your Vongola Ring and say element." He, the guard say.

"Vongola Ring?" The boys ask.

"Ahaha, Tsuna! Let's hurry up or the kid will get mad!" They all heard Yamamoto. They are all crowding -reffered from Hibari.

"Ah! Dame-Tsuna!" B9 say.

"E-Eh? W-Why are you here?" Tsuna ask. Then he walk to them. Suddenly the guard bow.

"H-Hey, don't bow down.. It's okay! Just get up!!" Tsuna blushed in embarrasment. Didn't they know, their schedule has dropped from Tsuna's pocket.

"But, Decimo-sama..!!" They reasoned.

"It's okay! And just call us by our name." Tsuna answer with a smile.

"Hey! What are you talking about?!" B19 ask.

"Don't be rude to De--" The guard was cutted by Tsuna who cover their mouth.

"What are you all doing here?" Hibari growled.

"Ah, Decimo-sama's cloud! They are being rude to Decimo-sama!" The guards say.

"Is it true, Omnivoure?" Hibari ask. Tsuna hesitantly nod.

"For disturbing our schedule, i'll bite you to death!" Hibari say as he charge to the boys.

"Time out, Hibari. Do your paperworks." Reborn suddenly appear.

"Akambo. Fine." Hibari and Tsuna's gang get back to whatever they are going because they don't want to be punished by the sadistic spartan tortu-- tutor.

"Now, you all go back to your seats." Reborn say to the boys who is shrinking in fear.

"Guards." He then say, and the guards pick them up and get them back to the 2nd floor. But they don't notice that one of the boys grab a piece of paper that drop from Tsuna's pocket before. Only the number one hitman know it.

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