Ch. 14

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A/N : Special thanks to Sacchan for the speech (It wasn't really for this, it was for school but, oh well)
I wasn't planning to put the speech here but because Sacchan did her best I thought the readers could appreciates it as well! But seriously, I don't know how formal Inheritance Ceremony should do so please forgive me if it's weird..

And also, I won't be explaining everything in details- It's like pretty much time skip. I am sorry--

And also, in this story Nana already know about the mafia-


"Good Morning everyone.

I thank all of you who come to my, the Vongola Decimo’s Inheritance Ceremony.

If you are here, then you have come to witness my crowning as Decimo. Many of you may have speculations as to how a teenager such as myself, who has been raised as a civilian will be able to handle the position. I can reassure you that Reborn has tutored me and still is tutoring me along with Nono. They have been striving to help me become a capable leader. My friends and family have also helped me overcome many obstacles.

Before I met Reborn I was a scrawny child that was afraid and didn’t want anything to do with the mafia, over the past year I have learnt that I will be able to overcome my fears if I face them, I have learnt that if I follow my heart then I can make changes that will please both me and others.

I want you all to know I don’t want bloodlust, I don’t want murder, I don’t want senseless killing and pillaging, I don’t want to cause pain to others. I want peace, sincerity, love, and most importantly unity. I want to create peace for as long as I can, I want to help people not cause them to become helpless and terrified. I know what it’s like to have the world against you and I would never wish that for anyone. As a child I was constantly bullied, made fun of, beaten, verbally abused by classmates and teachers and I know that it isn’t the same as losing everything but it has an effect on you. One that hurts, as a child I was called useless… no good…

I was called all sorts of things but everything changed when Reborn came with the intention of making me a mafia boss. I was always trying to escape my fate but…

Reborn coming into my life was a blessing in some ways. I learnt the true meaning of family because Reborn always taught me to value those who are close to me. For that I am grateful. So thank you for coming into my life Reborn.

After Reborn I became friends with Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto, Onii-San, Hibari-san, Lambo, Mukuro and Chrome. They soon became irreplaceable family members in my heart. My precious guardians, you will all always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you all for being there for me.

After my guardians came along, Varia, Gesso, Giglio Nero, Shimon and many more.

Xanxus, you taught me that at times I need to be ruthless in order to be able to protect those I care, thank you.

Byakuran, when I first met you in the future… I hated you, but after meeting you in our on timeline and getting to know you properly, I will always treasure the time we spend together, you’re happy personality is something I will always admire, so please stay happy and don’t let power take over your heart.

Yuni, you are so loving and you have such a big burden on your shoulders as the Sky Arcobaleno but remember that you have all of us here, you are not alone. Share your burdens and myself and many others will be willing to help you out.

Enma, you and I are so alike, we both were looked down on and yet we are both Decimo for our Famiglia’s.

I thank you all, from the very bottom of my heart, I thank you for supporting and helping me grow alongside you.

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