Ch. 5

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"Okay everyone. Settle down. I know this is a bit sudden, but because there is some spare guest room, we will re-arrange the room mates." Nono say as he sit down at the end of the table. "And of course i mean all of you. Of course you too, Tsunayoshi-kun and his guardians." Nono say in Japanese continued in Italian fast so only Tsuna and his guardians could catch it.

"B-But!" Tsuna say but receive a glare from Nono as an answer. He huffed down and glare -pout- back.

"Then i'll read the new set up while you all eat." Reborn say pulling out a paper.

"And i'll give you example. 1-00. Means floor one room number 00." Nono say. Everyone nod in understanding. (For your info, the room is shuffled so the one that was writed here is not everyone!)

"2-18 Hibari Kyoya." Everyone felt relieved at that.

"2-21 Yamamoto Takeshi and Gokudera Hayato." A new couple was born! Though lots of girl squeling or cooing.

"1-27 Sawada Tsunayoshi and Akaishi Yorukemu." Some of the student whispering that Akaishi is so unlucky. Well, Akaishi is kind of smart and cool but he still nice.

"2-27 Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro." Girl with boy? Some of the student must thought of that..

"2-03 Bovino Lambo and Sasagawa Ryohei." Who's Lambo again?

Bla bla bla bla bla whatever then.


"Reborn-san! Why is all Jyuudaime's guardians at the second floor?! I can not accept it!" Gokudera say, yelling perhaps.

"Nono is the one who made this. Do not say that to me." Reborn say.

"It's not me, it's Iemitsu." Nono say.

"J-Jyuudaime's father?!" Gokudera seem to back off a little.

And so, they can't do any further complain. All of their clothes are already transported to their new room. And suprisingly, in the room a lot of paper has arrive also.

"Pleased to meet you, Yorukemu-san.." Tsuna say. They are currently walking to their new room.

"Oh, please just call me Akai." Akaishi say with a smile.

"Then please call me Tsuna." Tsuna answer, returning the smile. Then he remember something, 'Yorukemu..? Isn't one of the chef here has that name..?' Tsuna thought.

"I never notice you at school, i should apologize for that." Tsuna say, laughing sheepisly.

"It's okay. I'm not talk active. And you too, i don't know that you are very bad at school subject.. Perhaps i could help you?" Akai say as they arrive at their new room. Tsuna open the room and found that there is twin bed one beside the window and one is beside the other bed, but there is some distance. There is two desk, each beside the bed.

"Oh, thank you. And do you mind if i take the bed beside the window?" Tsuna ask, because he saw the paperworks pile in the table beside the bed beside the window.

"No, you can have it. And what's that paper i wonder.." Akai ask and go to look what's written. To his suprise it was all writen in Italian. He is kinda smart so he could read some of it. "Building destruction?" He ask himself. Tsuna gulp.

"I-I wonder what's this? Oh! It's my homeworks from my tutor!" He say nervously avoiding eye contact.

"I see, that's homeworks? You must be troubled.." Akai say.

He then look around and open a wardrobe to find his clothes and some expensive suits with the word Decimo in it.

"Decimo? Why does his clothes on our wardrobe? And where's your clothes, Tsuna-kun?" Akai ask.

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