Ch. 4

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"Oi, isn't that Yuni Giglio Nero?" B9 ask.

"Yeah, she is. It's already 2 months after she transfer out of our school." B1 answer.

"What is she doing here? She couldn't join the trip right?" B15 say.

"Yeah." The others agreed.

"Oh don't worry. I did not join this trip. I am currently living at Italy." Yuni answer with a smile.

"I-I see.." The boys blush.

"Aria-san, did Granpa told you to come pick me up?" Tsuna ask.

"Yes. Nono told us to pick you and your classmates to the Vongola Mansion. And also we are having a meeting later." Aria answer.

"What meeting?" Tsuna ask. It seems that this meeting interested Tsuna.

"Eh? Didn't Reborn tell you?" Aria ask. Tilting her head.

"If it's Reborn, he will never tell me anything.." Tsuna answer became gloomy.

"Then, why don't you ask Nono?" Aria suggest.

"Yeah, i--" "Oi Dame-Tsuna! What are you talking about?!"

Suddenly a dark aura cover the ceilings. Making every of Tsuna's classmates flinch in fear. Tsuna just tilt his head in confussion why his classmates flinch. It seems that the dark aura or murderious aura didn't appear in Tsuna's sight.

"Nothing. What will we do, G-Giglio Nero-san, Gesso-san?" Tsuna ask Byakuran and Aria with a smile.

"Boys with me." Byakuran say going to the limo.

"Girls with me. Except for the VIPs. They have their own limo." Aria say.

"You heard them. Get going already!" Reborn say. Kicking Tsuna instead of the classmates.

"Why me?!" Tsuna cried.

"Cause i felt so." Reborn say continueing to the limousine.


"We're here Decimo-sama." The driver say as he go out and open Tsuna's door.

"Thank you very much." Tsuna say to the driver.

"My pleasure.." The driver say.

And then the door of the Vongola Mansion open, revealing Vongola Nono, Collonelo and Lal Mirch. On each side of the door and inside the hall are lining butlers and maids.

"Welcome back, Decimo-sama, Decimo-sama's guardians, and also Decimo-sama's classmates." The butlers and maids say in unison while bowing.

"Welcome back, Tsunayoshi-kun." Vongola Nono greet with a warm smile.

"Grand--" "Who are you?!" Nezu yell, cutting Tsuna's line. Tsuna's guardians, Aria, Yuni, Byakuran, Reborn, Lal, and Collonelo have tick marks on their head.

"Can't you see that he is Vongola Nono?!" Gokudera yell. The others -mafiosos- agreed.

"E-Eh? What? He's V-Vongola Nono?!" Nezu ask shrinking in fear now.

"Now now everyone. It's okay." Nono say to all of them who have murderious aura. Soon, the murderious aura disappear.

"If Nono say so." Aria say.

"Let's get in, shall we?" Nono ask and gave some space for the classmates to come in.

"Every student will have each maid or butler. You could pick them. They will help you with the preperation of your rooms and also if we have any emergencys." Nono say and the classmates began to pick.

Class Trip To Italy! [KHR]Where stories live. Discover now