Ch. 13

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~one day before the Inheritance Ceremony~

Tsuna's classmates are now perfect and sparkling. One full day of the lesson and they are now sparkling. Except for 3 certain person tho, Himeka, Sasuke, and Yuusuke. They certainly look great on the outside, but on the inside they had bad intentions. Tsuna could detect it with his HI though.

Tsuna finished his homework, and it was accepted by Reborn and Nono. He sigh in relief. 'Tomorrow's the day..' The brunette thought, suddenly his stomach aches, 'I feel like I'm turning like Shouichi-kun--'

Now, shall we go to Tsuna's guardians?

They are in a room. The whole famiglia (Including I-Pin, Fuuta, Bianchi, Arcobalenos, Nono, etc) are in the room as well.

"Tomorrow's schedule. Gokudera, you're in charge of it." Reborn stated eyeing Gokudera.

The said boy reply, "Yes, Reborn-san! This is the schedule I have made together with that Baseball-freak!" He then show a piece of paper.

Jyuudaime's/Tsuna's Inheritance Schedule
(It's Jyuudaime, Baseball freak!)

10 : 00 AM ~ 10 : 30 AM (Yamamoto : I think it's enough?) Greetings from Tsuna!

10 : 30 AM ~ 11 : 00 AM   Introduction of the Vongola Decimo Famiglia

11 : 00 AM ~ 12 : 00 PM  Inheritance by Nono(-sama)

12 : 00 PM ~ 15 : 00 PM  Lunch (For bastards' lunch, by Bianchi) + Games (It's torture right, haha!) (Could there even have games!?)

15 : 00 PM ~ 17 : 00 PM  Ballroom time!

17 : 00 PM ~ 19 : 00 PM  Dinner together!

19 : 00 PM ~ 20 : 00 PM  Sending other famiglias (bastards) home.

Everyone stayed silent for a while.

"It's somehow.. Expected and acceptable." Skull stated making everyone snapped from their own world.

"So you have a brain after all, slave." Reborn smirked. He then took the paper, "Okay, we'll do it like this." He stated making everyone else nodded.

Then, Yuni raised her hand. "But Ojii-sama, what kind of game?" She ask curiously. "It's supposed to be a formal ceremony, should there even a game held?" She continue.

Nono smirks, "Why not?" He then answers.

Reborn, still smirking, tipped his fedora. "This is Vongola after all. We'll have to do all kind of things with the.."

Yuni sigh, before smiling and heard them continue.

"Vongola Style."


Knock.. knock..

Some soft knocks are heard. Tsuna on his room --The one with Akai-- rubbed his eyes. It seems that he has fallen asleep earlier. He yawn before saying, "Come in."

The door opened slowly, reveals Enma's red head peeking through the door. "Were you sleeping? Sorry for disturbing.." He mutter softly. The said brunette yawn once again before replying.

"It's fine." He then paused. "What are you doing here?" He ask.

The red head then come into the room and sat not far in the bed. "I just wanted to apologize about the Inheritance Ceremony which I ruined." He says looking at his own hand, fidgetting.

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