Bleeding Roses- SOLED and SONS (Ch. 3)

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Why would he write in mirror writing? What's the use? 

Then I ran upstairs to my room to open the package. Right before I opened the package I got the weirdest feeling that I was being watched, that something just wasn't right.

I opened the package, I had to struggle to get past the hard packaging tape. What is inside the package?! 

To my surprised eyes I saw 1 air flight ticket, and a beautiful diamond ring

The ring was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, with it's purple heart-shaped diamond. The engraved roses around the band. Then I noticed something. On the back of the heart it  You and me forever.  Why, it was the most beautiful engagement ring I had ever seen in my life.

Why would he go  through so much trouble for me? We've never even seen each others faces

Theese questions stirred in my head for the longest time.  Why me? Why now? Why so early? WHY ME? Why Paris? Does he live there?


"Flight three to Paris is boarding!"  Oe the airplane dudes yelled. I ran faster, my carryon bouncing along behind me. I pushed through people, weaving my way through the crowd. I had to make that flight! I didn't stop to wait tin the line, I just cut to the front, shoving past an elderly lady.

"Such rudeness!" she scoffed.

"Sorry!" I yelled to her. To the attendant, I said, "Here are my tickets." And then I proceeded to smile innocently.

"All right." She said. "Just go on in."

I entered the hallway and ran down the corridor. I slowed down and walked into the plane. I checked my tickets and noticed I was seated in first class. The flight attendent walked past and checked to make sure everyone had their seatbelt on. The plane took off and I stared out the window as the buildings got smaller and smaller and then finally faded away as we entered the clouds.


I jerked awake when the plane landed. I opened the window and stared at the airport. It was huge. Orly. I ran out of the plane, my eyes searching for Delos. I didn't know what he looked like, but I had hoped he might be calling out for me or holdinga sign or something. Yhere was nothing. Disapointed, I headed towards the baggage claim. I gathered my bags and went to wait outside. I waited for thirty minutes, yet no one arrived. I was beginning to think no one ever would.

Then, just before all my hope was lost, a white limo arrived at the curb. A young man hurried out.

"Miss Rose?" He asked.

"Yes...?" I answered cautiously.

"I am here to pick you up." He smiled at me, and my heart stopped.

"Delos?"  I asked.

He only smiled again and motioned me towards the limosine.

I ginned and skipped over to the car, pulling my luggage. He laughed and came over to me taking me luggage. He was so chivalourous! He stuffed my bags into the trunk and opened the door for me. I got in and looked around in amazement.

There was a tiny fridge in the corner, which, upon further inspection, contained sodas and assorted fruits. The was a huge TV that took up the entire roof of the limo. And there was a very comfortable-looking lounge chair on the other side. It was like heaven.

Delos has GOT to be super rich. I mused. He'd never mentioned THAT fact in our conversations. I was so excited. If he was rich, and I was pretty sure he was, then our wedding was going to be fabulous! And... oh.... the honey moon... I smiled to myself. This is going to be a great vacation!


We got to the house and my suspicions were confirmed. I really shouldn't call it a house. It was a mansion! The outside was beautiful. It really shouldn't be called a mansion. It was more like a castle. When we entered, him carrying my bags, I felt like a princess. A butler opened the door, and maids were scurrying about.

"Delos will be waiting for you in the dining hall." Jake, the man who had come to pick me up, said.

"Wait.... you aren't Delos?"  I asked, officially confused.

"No, no. I am Delos..... son."

"Delos' SON?!? That's impossible.... how old is he?" I asked, terrified of the answer. "And for that matter, how old are YOU?!?"

"I am 14."

"14?!? You've got ot be kidding. You drove me here!"

"Yes, well..."

My mouth was opening and closing like a fish's. What the.... oh, what have I gotten myself into?!"


Author's Note: Hey guys! I tried to make this one kinda long, but since I got so many comments and votes, I wanted to upload sooner! Depending on how many votes and comments I get on this chapter, is how fast I will upload! I have already started writing the next chapter and it will be looooong.  :)

Oh! And I want to thank everyone who voted and commented last chapter! Thanks! And I would be so grateful to anyone who fans too! :D

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