Bleeding Roses- Chapter Nine

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My body jerked, straining up against the straps. I opened my eyes groggily, confused. Where were we? Was I landing in Paris? Oh my cow, I can't wait to see Delos... I wonder if he was as dreamy as he sounded. I hoped so. We were gonna get married.... I sighed and opened my eyes. 

As I suspected, I was in a plane. But this wasn't the plane I fell asleep in. This was a tiny two-person plane, and I was strapped in with at least seven different straps. 

I glanced over next to me. Oh gosh... who was this guy? Did he drug me then bomb the plane then kidnap me? 

He was hot though... He had blond hair that was so light it looked white. He was tall and muscular, with a sharp, yet somehow gentle face. As I stared at him, he glanced over at me, then looked away, focusing back on the... sky. But after a few more minutes of me staring at him, he glanced at me again, looking nervous. 

He had dark blue eyes, not the color of the sky or ocean, but like the color of a sapphire. 

"Something wrong?" He asked nervously. His voice was beautiful, a soft melody. 

I was completely dazed. He was still looking at me oddly, and I felt my heart thump. After a few minutes of that, I realized that he was waiting for an answer. 

I turned beet red, "No, nothing's wrong." I said quickly. 

"No wait..." I said, thinking it through. "There is something wrong."

"There is?"

"Yes. You kidnaped me."

He looked shocked, "I thought you would be grateful that I was taking you away from Delos." 

"I love Delos! We are getting married."

"You love him? Even after what he did to you?"

Now it was my turn to be confused. "What did he do to me?"

"Don't you remember?"

"I haven't even met Delos!"

I watched several emotions cross his face. Confusion, realization, understanding, concern, worry, and then finally, hope.  

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Um... I was in the plane on the way to Paris, which you obviously know, I don't get while you're asking me. You did kidnap me after all."

"I see." He thought for a moment, nodding to himself. I would give anything to find out what was going through his head right now.

"Look at yourself." He commanded softly. I immediately obeyed him, even though it was stupid.

I was stunned at what I saw. 

I was covered in cuts and scrapes and bruises. I was unbelievably thin, anorexic thin. And now that I was actually paying attention, I was in a lot of pain.

"What did you do to me?" I looked at him fearfully, scared of him for the first time since I had woken up.  

He sighed, running a hand through that shaggy, yummilicious hair. God, I wanted to run my fingers through that hair. I bet it would be soft and silky...

No! Bad Annie! You should not be having these kinds of thoughts about your kidnapper! 

"I didn't do anything, Annie... you need to trust me... please..." He begged my, his eyes boring holes into mine. 

"I want to... b-but I can-an't re-rememb-ber." I stuttered. 

"Delos is sixty years old, Annie. He has a grandson. He trapped you in his dungeon and beat you and raped you. I think you have a concussion, and you fell asleep so you probably have amnesia. Hopefully you're memory won't come back, you shouldn't have to remember those things. But you need to trust me." 

I stared into his bright sapphire eyes, and I felt like I could trust him. He would never hurt me. 

I smiled, "Okay."


Author's Note: I know it's short but I'm sleepy. It's been awhile since I uploaded a chapter so I wanted to today. I wil start writing the next chapter of My Sweet, Sweet Prison, but I don't know if I will finish it. Sorry guys! 

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