Bleeding Roses- Kiss Me Like You Mean It (Ch. 10)

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Author's Note: Wow, this chapter has a title! O.o 


Not long after, we landed. I was really scared, but I wouldn't admit it out loud. I felt like that if I did, then the boy wouldn't treat me the same as he has been treating me.

For the past half hour I've been staring at him. He keeps glancing over at me, confused what I was doing. But I couldn't take my eyes off him, even with the goggles and helmet. His blond hair peeked out from underneath his helmet, shining like moonlight and sunlight mixed together (Okay, I stole that from a book I read, The Secret Circle. So for any of you who read that book too and are like THATS PLAGIARISM, well, its not because I'm giving the author credit. So ha! I just thought it was a really great description for his hair). It was gorgeous. I couldn't stop staring at it. And then there were his eyes. From the way he was turned, I could only see a bit of it from the corner, but when he glanced at me-and he did quite frequently-I could gaze at the beauty of it.  

They were a startling blue. Not like the sky, not like the a deep sapphire. No other I have ever seen has been the same color.  

Suddenly, I felt the plane descending. We weren't landing in a field, like you'd think. We were landing in a meadow. I couldn't see all the details from where I was, but the meadow was mostly green, with spots of yellow and white. I assumed they were flowers.  

Then suddenly, the plane stopped. It wasn't landing. It wasn't flying. It was dropping. Dropping straight down. No fuel or something, I don't know. 

What I do know is that I was getting that weird tingly feeling in my stomach and bladder, the feeling you get on roller-coasters when you’re dropping straight down a huge...drop.

It scared me. 

I wanted to scream out loud, but I knew I couldn’t. If I did it would seem childish, and I couldn’t let the boy next to me, who was sitting very calmly by the way, think I was childish. 

As I said before, the boy was very calm. But I could see his knuckles whiten that were on the stick, a could see a small muscle in his jaw jerk. 

Was he scared too? Or was he nervous, stressed, worried, or something else entirely? 

I would never know. Unless I asked him, which I didn’t dare too. 

I glanced out the window quickly. We were so close to land, we were going to crash. I just knew it. I couldn’t look out the window anymore. Instead I focused on a stray piece of hair that was poking out sideways under the boy’s helmet. Ha, the helmets aren’t going to do anything to stop me from dying! What was the point of wearing them? And yet I didn’t take it off. I couldn’t. 

In the corner of my eye, I saw the boy’s hand jerk. It pulled back rapidly, yanking on the clutch, or whatever it’s called. He leaned back in his seat, and the plane moved. 

We were soaring through the air, starting to go up again, but we were going very slowly, and when we were only a bit above the earth, the boy started landing the plane again, but this time it didn’t just drop. We actually landed.

We hit the ground hard, and my body jerked forward, straining against the seatbelt. They cut deeply into my skin, and I knew they were going to bruise later. 

The plane bumped up and down, speeding across the meadow. I felt a moment of sadness for the crushed flowers, but it was quickly overcome by fear. The meadow stretched on and on. I could only barely make out some mountains in the distance. 

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