Bleeding Roses- Bloom (Ch. 4)

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I paced my room, lost in thought. I was so stupid! Why had I never asked how old he was? The truth was staring me in the face! Ugh. He has a 14 year old son. If we were to marry, and I was seriously reconsidering, then I would have a son who was a year younger than me! That could get awkward... 

I wanted to see Delos. I wanted to see him for myself. I need to search this house!

I opened the door slowly, checking to make sure there was no one in the hall. I snuck out, heading for the staircase. 

"Going somewhere?" A voice asked. 

I whirled around, startled. Jake was there, leaning against the wall. 

"I was looking for Delos." I answered, lifting my chin indignantly. I was older than him, and I was to be his mother soon. He better respect me. 

"You will see him soon enough. Go back to your room."

My eyes blazed. He will not tell me what to do. I won't accept orders from him, I won't. 


He stood up, walking towards me slowly, his hands in his pockets. 

"You will  go back to your room."

"I will not! You can't just order me around! I am to be your mother and you have to respect me! I won't listen to you, you-" He cut me off, slapping my cheek with as much force as he could. His eyes were hard. 

"I can tell you whatever I want to tell you, you bitch." I gasped, staring at him. My hand on my cheek. I felt tears threaten my eyes, caused by both the pain, the harsh words, and the humiliation. 

"Now, go back to your room." He threatened, "Or something much worse than getting slapped will happen to you."

I ran, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Back to my room, shutting and locking the door behind me. I sank to the ground. 

What had I gotten myself into?


I stayed in my room for hours, pacing. There were no windows, nothing. I felt horrible, and I wanted to go home. I was starving. I missed my parents. I remember the day I had left, leaving them behind. 


I stared at the ticket to Paris. I was so excited! I had always wanted to go to Paris! They said it was the city of love. 

My grin faltered as I thought about what my parents would say. They would never let me go! They were so strict. 

I sighed. How could I convince them? They didn't know anything abotu Delos. They didn't know that I chatted with him everyday in the middle of the night for hours. They didn't know that we had had four phone conversations, that we were engaged. They didn't know that I loved him with all my heart. 

They would never accept this. I was doomed. Maybe I could tell Delos that we should wait until I was 18? But no. I didn't want to. I didn't want to wait. I loved him so much. 

This was awful. Why did I have to deal with this? Why me? 

But I wanted it to be me. I wanted Delos to be mine. Completely. Forever. 

I marched downstairs, and into the living room where my mother was reading a book, and my father was working on his laptop. They didn't believe in watching TV or relaxing. 

"Mother, Father? I need to speak with you." 

"Not now, dear. I have almost finished this chapter!" My mother said, "Ask your father whatever it is."


"I'm sorry, honey, but I need to finish this for my boss. It's due on Monday. Ask your mother." He replied. 

"But I already did!" I screamed, frustrated. 

The loudness of my voice startled both of them, and they looked up and stared at me. 

"Okay," I said, my voice back to its normal volume, "now that I have your attention, I must tell you something NOW."


"NO!" I yelled again, "I need to say this! I don't care about your boss, Father, or your book, Mother! I need to speak!"

"All right, Annie. You have the floor." My father said calmly. 

"Thank you. Now, I know this may come as a bit of a shock, but I love a man named Delos. We are now engaged and I am going to Paris next week for the wedding." I explained. 

They both stared at me in shock. 

"You are not going to Paris. We don't have the money, and even if we did, you still aren't going. That is final. You may love Delos if you like, but you are to do nothing about it. You are not getting married until we have met him and you are 25. This is not a topic of disscusion, it is already decided. I am sorry if this upsets you." My mother finally answered, after a long pause. 

I was furious. I was sure my skin must be red. They cannot control me anymore! I wouldn't stand for it! I wouldn't! They couldn't control my life!

I calmed myself down and said sweetly, "Of course Mommy and Daddy. Whatever you say. You know best. Thank you for taking care of me." I skipped over to them and gave them both a kiss on the cheek, then I ran upstairs. 

What they didn't know was that it was all an act. I don't care what they say. I'm still going, even if it means running away. 

And that is exactly what I did. 

*Flashback Over*


Author's Note: Okay, so maybe this isn't so long. But it is the longest chapter and the next one will be even longer, I promise! 

Thank you to all who commented and voted! 

Remember to comment and vote and fan! The more fans I get, the faster I will upload. The more comments I get, the longer it will be. The more votes I get, the more I will love you! And the more I will reveal in the next chapter. I have two different ways the next chapter could go. One is with a happy ending and a sequel, and the other is with a sad ending and a short epilogue that will explain stuff. I am still trying to decide which way I should go. It's up to you based on fans, comments and votes! Especially fans though. 

Anyway, thank you all for reading this! I hope you like it!

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