Chapter Fourtee

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"I'm hungry."  

"Everyone is. Deal with it." 

"You're mean." 

"Too bad. Deal with it." 

*Five minutes later*

"I'm cold." 

"I don't care. Deal with it." 

"I hate you." 

"'Kay, cool. Deal with it." 

*Ten minutes later*

"I'm thirsty." 

"Of course you are. Deal with it." 

"I wish you would die." 

"Great. Deal with-" 

"STOP SAYING THAT!!!" Elizabeth shouted, jumping up. I looked at her, uncaring, my face blank. 

"Look, it was you that just  had to come. So quit complaining." 

"Rot in he-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is going on here?" Jace came up the stairs from underneath the boat. 

"That little brat won't stop whining." 

"She's eight, Annie." 

"You know what? You deal with her, Jace. I'm tired of this, and it was you who agreed to let her come." 

Jace sighed, running his hand through is hair. I ignored him as he tried to reach out to me, instead going beneath deck.

I could heat him talking quietly to Elizabeth, upstairs but I pretended I couldn't hear. I laid down on one of the low bunks in the small cabin and settled myself on the lummpy matress. My eyes drifted up to the ceiling, where cracks were running through the white paint.

I was exhausted. Could you blame me? What a day. So much happened. I awakened at some early unknown time on Jace's shoulder, him bump-bump-bumping along for apparently no reason to have a hot make out session and then to be caught by a cop. Then Jace punched that cop and showed off his awesome skills as he jumped over a fifty feet high fence, while carrying me. And then we found out we were Wanted when we were stopped by a wacky old lady in a wacky old car. After we were brought to her house, she wanted to know what we had done. And instead of telling her, I went beserk and ran out down to the pier where Jace followed me. That was folled by another almost make out session which was stopped by the old lady's granddaughter who insisted on coming with us because her grandmother forced her to work as a maid.

What a day, what a day. And finally here I was, laying on this couch inside of said boat, thinking over the events of the day. And it wasn't even four oh clock yet.

“Hey.” The quiet angelic voice floated to my ears just before the angelic face came into my view.

“What do you want, Jace? I'm really not in the mood.”

He sat on the bed without saying a word, and started playing with my hair. Jace leaned down slowly, his eyes locked with mine as her brushed his lips over my own.

“Are you sure?” he asked me teasingingly.

“Well...maybe my mind can be changed. But I'm going to need to a little more convincing first,” I answered, grinning.

He laughed, the sound like music to my ears. Jace pressed his lips more firmly against mine this time, spreading my lips with his tongue as he dominated me. And you know what? I actually didn't mind being dominated that much.

His hand slid over my stomach softly, causing me to groan out loud. I instantly blushed, pushing him back slightly and covering my mouth. I avoided his eyes, filled to the brim with embarrassment. Jace chuckled, taking my hand and leaning forward to capture my mouth once again.

But I pushed him back for the second time, and he frowned. “Annie...I-”

“Elizabeth's upstairs,” I interrupted him.

He sighed.

“Hey, it was you who said we should take her with us.”

“Yes but...gah! If I had known you wouldn't let me kiss you I never would have let her come.”

“But wasn't it you who said that we couldn't just leave her, no matter what happened?” I asked innocently, widening my eyes.

He glared at me.

“Aw, poor baby, his words coming back to haunt him. Here, come to Mama,” I teased, pulling him into my arms.

He didn't protest, just layed down with me again.

“The only reason I am lying with you is because I'm tired; nothing more,” he grumbled.

“Sure, sure, whatever you say.” I yawned, relaxing into his embrace. Within seconds, I was fast asleep.”

Author's Note: There you go! Sorry for making you wait forever for the update, but my laptop broke so I have to write on this old, stupid computer! There will be another upload soon, though, I promise.  

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