Bleeding Roses - Thorns and Needles (Ch. 2)

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Riiiiiing riiiiiing.

My cell phone rings on the dresser. I wait a moment before picking it up, staring at myself in the mirror. Thick black curls fall over my shoulders. My full, red lips are puckered. Violet eyes, peeking out from behind long dark lashes. My pale skin looks ghostly. Upturned nose and high cheekbones. What could anyone see in me?

The phone rings insistantly, breaking me from the daze I was in. I grab it and press the talk button without checking who is was first.

"Hello?" I mumbled, grabbing the chocolate chip cookie that was on my dresser from who knows when, and stuffing it in my mouth.

"My darling, I trust you are well?"  The dark seductive voice of my fiancee whispers into my ear.

For a moment, I can't breathe. Damn! What an awful time to call! And I have this stupid cookie in my mouth. "Yeah, I'm good." I mutter, spitting the cookie into my hand. "Great, actually! Umm.... so....."

He chuckled. "Are you nervous, my dear?"

"What, me? Never." I scoffed, even though it was completely true.

"I see. Anywho, has my gift arrived?"

"G-g-gift?" I stuttered. What the heck? He'd gotten me a gift?! Arg. Why was he so sweet and amazing and sexy.... wait. I didn't even know if he was sexy. He sounds sexy. Does that count?

Because the miserable truth was that I have never seen him. I have never met him. And this was like the fourth time we've spoken over the phone. I hardly knew him and yet I had agreed to marry him? I was stupid.

I had met him two years ago when I had gone into a random chat room. It had been a dare from one my friends at a sleepover. I had to go online and start talking to a random dude. And that dude turned out to be the one I was about to marry. I guess I can thank my friends for all that has happened.

"Annie? Are you listening to me?" Delos, my fiancee, asked.

"Of course!" I yell, too quickly, too loudly. Ah, I was so obvious.

"No you weren't. But it's all right, dear, because I love you."

"Thank you, Delos."

"Do you love me, my sweet Annie?"

"O-of course. Yes!"

"Sweet child. Sleep now. You must get your beauty rest..." His voice drifted off, then started up again, singing a lullaby. I listened to his incredible voice, before it faded and the harsh beeping noise that sounded when the other person hung up startled me to awareness. 

I looked out the window. It was pitch black outside. How did that happen? When I answered the phone it was only two in the afternoon! Surely we couldn't have been talking for that long...

It doesn't matter.  I told myself. He was right though. I really do have to sleep.


The next morning I woke up bright and early. Strangely, I was completely awake. Maybe it wasn't as late last night as I thought.  I ran downstairs in my pajamas and out the door to the mailbox. Delos had said something about a gift, and he asked if it had arrived yet. And the only way it could arrive was through the mail.

Just as I got outside, the mailboy arrived too.

"Has anything arrived for me?" I ask him.

"Let me check- He starts, but I tackle him first.

"Is there anything, is there anything? RYAN!!!!"

"Get off and I'll tell you! Jeez!"

I scramble off him as quickly as I can. He stands up, shooting a glare at me. Ryan picks his mailbag up off the floor and proceeds to shuffle through it.

"Ah. Here is something. From a fellow named.... SOLED? Soled? Is that what you wanted Annie?"

"No." I sigh, defeatedly.

Then suddenly, like a flash of lightning, I realized something.

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