Bleeding Roses- Opened (Ch. 5)

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Now I wished that I had listened to my parents. They were right. I was too young to get married. I should have thought more, but I had been so in love with Delos. I guess I kind of still am. I mean, the fact that he had a son irked me, and I had no idea of how old he was, but he wasn't the one who had slapped and threatened me. Maybe his son just have a behavioral problem. Or a mental one. 

I mean, it was possible. Delos could still be amazing. And so what if he was like 15 years older than me? He was still the same guy I had talked to for hours on chat every night. 

And it was possible that maybe he had his son when he was like ten, and that's why Jake is so messed up. And maybe Delos only kept Jake because he felt guilty or Jake's mother didn't want him. 

Oh my god... Jake's mother?!? What if she was still here... that would be awkward.... No. Delos was a good person. He wouldn't have two girlfriends at once.... right? 

It was the middle of the night. I could hear noises in the hallway outside my room, and I was scared. So scared. I was terrified that Jake would come back. I don't know what I would do if he did. 

My stomach was grumbling. It was making these weird, loud, awful noises that scared the heck out of me. I hadn't eaten in so long. The last I had was the night before I ran away. I stole some money from my parents and snuck out my window, then got a room for the night at this crappy motel. I ate McDonalds that night, then had to get up early    and get on the plane the next morning. It was a ten hour flight to Paris, and then when I got here I was picked up by Jake and then put it this room. I haven't left since. 

Well, except for when I was out for like five minutes. 

So it must have been at least 24 hours. It was probably more like 30 since I ate last. And I was so hungry! I almost wished that Jake would beat me, just so he could feel badly afterwards and give me some food. I want food!

There was a knock at the door. I froze, unsure of what I should do. Should I go out there? Or should I stay in the room? 

If I went out there, it could be Delos, and he could be waiting for me with open arms, apologizing for all that Jake had done. We could have our wedding and I could be happy. Or it might be someone who has food. I don’t care which one it was, because I would get food either way. 

But it could also be Jake. And he could be waiting for me to open the door, with a knife. I could die if I open that door. But then I had to consider that if I didn’t open the door I could still die from starvation. And until that happened I could be in a lot of pain.

If it was Jake, then at least I would have a quick death. And if it wasn’t.... then... I would be very very happy. 

I slowly stood up from where I had fallen on the ground. My legs shook, weak from hunger and energy-loss. I stumbled to the door, fumbling as I tried to open the lock. It finally clicked, and I yanked the door open, peering outside.  

Suddenly, I was shoved to the ground, my head crashing against the floor. I could feel the blood leaking out the back of it. I was dizzy, and my eyesight was hazy. Right before I blacked out, I heard a gruff male voice yelling out orders. 


Author’s Note: I thought about ending it here, but so many of you fanned and commented and voted... and I decided to make it longer. Enjoy!


I was floating, soaring high above the city. I saw the buildings twinkling down below. I smiled to myself, enjoying the feeling of the wind rushing through my hair, against my skin. I wasn’t hungry anymore, or in pain. Actually, I didn’t feel anything at all. 

I knew this had to be a dream or something, but it felt so real. I felt my hand touch something next to me. I glanced over, right as I flew into a cloud. It was misty, and I couldn’t see anything. The thing that I felt over to the side gripped onto my hand, and I realized that it was another hand, and our fingers were intertwined. 

For a moment I was scared, but then all feeling vanished, and I felt peaceful again. I closed my eyes, relaxing. I never wanted this feeling to end. 

But sadly, it had too. 


Author’s Note: Okay, okay. Yes, I know it was short. But it’s still the longest chapter so far. I hope. I was going to put the scene after she woke up, but I liked ending the chapter here. And besides, I wanted to get this up as quickly as possible because of all the fans! I will upload again soon... if you’re lucky, I might upload tomorrow, or even again tonight. It all depends on if I’m doing something tonight. 

Anyway, I want comments on this chapter, and lots of them! Ignore what I said up there, because I just changed my mind! I am not uploading another chapter until I get: At least two more fans, at least 6 votes, and at least 8 comments. That’s right. Eight. So... have fun with that! 

I will write and write and write though, so as soon as I get what I want, you guys will get TWO chapters, one after the other, that are both AT LEAST 4 pages long. And they will be juicy. Oh yes. Juicy. And in them I will: Introduce a new character, have Annie finally meet Delos, and give more information on the wedding and what’s going to happen with that! Oh, and if you guys are confused about anything, just drop me a comment I will explain it better in the next two chapters!

Oh, and I realized I was numbering the chapters wrong, and I’m going to fix that!

So lots of good luck, and I’m sorry about the super long author’s note! 

So remember.... vote, comment, and FAN!!!!

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