Bleeding Roses- Chapter Eight

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Author's Note: Okay, yeah, people I know, I said I was gonna edit this. But I'm too lazy. And people want another chapter.... so.... I warn you! It's going to be veeeeeeery short. And most likely very crappy. 

"Well, I guess I'm a fighter. " I said, smirking. I knew it was dangerous, he could hurt me any time. But I didn't care. I was tired of being scared. He could do whatever he wanted to me, in the end, I would die. And then we wouldn't be able to do anything else to me. Nothing. Nada. 

I was shackled to the wall. My arms and legs tied up. I was still naked from what he had done to me, but I didn't care. Let him see. Let him see the bruises, the cuts, the blood that still covered me. Let him see. 

"Don't talk like that to me!" He shrieked, his hand coming down, slapping me hard. I didn't flinch. Sure, it hurt, it hurt a lot, but I was past caring. 

My mind took me to  happy place. A place where I was holding hands with the angel boy, where we were laughing, talking, and sometimes, kissing. I knew that Delos was doing things to my body, but I couldn't bring myself to care. That was my body's problem. Not my heart, or my mind's. 

I was vaguely aware when he left. I don't know what he had done to my body; probably something despicable. 

And then, there he was, shining. My angel boy. He pulled me up gently from where I was slumped on the floor, and he deftly broke the chains with his bare hands. Either he was really strong, or the chains were really weak. He wrapped a blanket around be, gave me a bottle of water, and picked me up, as if I were a baby. 

Carrying me out of the room, he walked down dimly lit corridors. I was numb, unable to feel anything, except joy from the fact of the boy's arms I was in. 

In the distance I could hear a couple of manly voices shouting at each other. They must have realized that I was missing. 

"Annie. Annie, dear. You need to listen to me. I'm going to set you down now. You are going to pretend that I am taking you to Charlotte (A/N: Shout out to RinaBear!) to get fitted. Do you understand?"

My mind was groggy. I knew he was trying to tell me something, something important, but I couldn't concentrate. 

"Annie! It's important! Do you understand?"

I tried to get my mind to focus. I started slowly. Okay. He wants me to walk. That's easy enough, right? Well... not really. Not after what happened to me. 

But the angel boy needed me to do it. He believed I could do it. I got to my feet shakily, leaning heavily on him.

What's next? He was taking me.... somewhere. Where? I couldn't think. It was so hard. 

The voices were getting closer. Focus! I yelled at myself. I need to focus. 

They were right behind us. 

"Excuse me, this is Delos' prisoner. Where are you taking her?!" One of the guards yelled. I couldn't see him at all, all I could see was his body armor. 

"I am Delos personal assistant. Do you know who this is? This is Delos' fiancee. Do you understand? I am taking her to Charlotte to get fitted into her wedding dress." 

"Why weren't we notified?" He asked suspiciously. 

"I notified the head. You're supposed to get orders from him on a hourly basis, no? Yet you decided to take a nap. And you missed the last meeting. If you don't believe me, go ask him yourself."

They looked guilty, like they had been caught. How did angel boy know this? Duh! Of course, he was an angel. 

I heard them talking on their walkie-talkies. The angel boy started pulling me along. I could tell he was trying to be gentle, but I wasn't go fast enough. 

"Hey, wait! He said there was no authorization! I need to take you prisoner!" The guard yelled. The angel boy just starting yanking me. He was running, and I was stumbling along behind him. I wasn't fast enough. I was dazed, confused, and in pain. I think he knew this, which is why he whirled around, planted a quick kiss on my lips, and swung me up into his arms. 

He was carrying me again. I buried my face into his chest, trying to steady my breathing. Nothing had changed, except for the fact he had kissed me. My first kiss. 

Sure, Delos had raped me, and forced his kisses on me, but in my mind those didn't count. They were taken against my will. I guess the one with the angel boy was taken against my will too, but if I was given a choice, I would have allowed it, when if there was a choice with Delos, I would have screamed, 'Hell no!' 

He was running, running. I watched the wall whip past us at blurring speed. I was feeling a bit claustrophobic... until I wasn't. 

We were in open air. They sky was dizzyingly blue, with puffy white clouds here and there. We were in a meadow, with pretty, small, white and yellow flowers. I craned my neck around. Behind me was the mansion. I should start calling it the haunted mansion. I looked away quickly, not wanting to think about the mansion, about what happened inside of it. Instead I focused on where we were going. 

I saw a small airplane in the distance. I mean, it could be huge, but we were so far away, really, it was only a tiny speck. I knew that was where we were headed. 

We ran and ran, the plane getting closer and closer. Risking another glance behind, I saw the mansion again, but this time it was the speck. But, not too far behind, was the guards. A whole army of them. 

I tugged on the angel boy's sleeve, trying to alert him. They were getting closer and closer, and I saw a couple in an ATV barreling right towards us. I tugged harder. 

"Shh... It's okay. They won't reach us." He soothed me. I relaxed my tugging, but I was still rigid as a board. Or a dead person. 

I shuddered. I didn't want to think about that. 

We reached the plane. It was small. It was tiny actually. It was one of the really little two person planes. He dropped me in the passenger side, jumped over me, and then settled him self into the driver's part.

"Put down your head," he instructed, "and cover it with your arms."

I did as he told, and he started the plane. We bumped along really hard. I wasn't wearing a seat belt, and I was terrified I was going to fly out at any second. There wasn't a roof, and with the way we were bouncing, it was a very real possibility. 

But no. Angel boy would never do that. I was perfectly safe. 

Soon, we were in the air. I felt something settle over my head, and my hands were slowly removed so a pair of goggles could be placed over my eyes. He reached over and buckled me up-there were AT LEAST 7 different straps. He gave me another blanket, and I settled myself against the door, feeling warm and safe, a feeling I had not felt in so long. 

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