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~Bleeding Roses~ 

Chapter Twelve

“I’m afraid you have the wrong person.” Jace cocked his head to the side. 

“Nuh uh. She looked up when I said, ‘Miss Rose? So she must be Anne.” 

“That doesn’t prove anything! Lots of people have the last name Rose!” 

“Come with me, ma’am, and we will go to the station. If you aren’t Anne Rose, then you will be able to leave.” 

Suddenly, out of the blue, Jace charged at the police officer. He stumbled back, and Jace punched him in the jaw. 

“Run, Annie, run!” I took his advice and raced off. Jace and the man were blocking the exit to the street, so I took off in the other direction. The alley was long, and it stank. I got to the end and, as I suspected, there was a 30 foot wall, littered with graffiti. 

What do I do? If I say here, he will catch me. Suddenly I felt arms go around my waist, and I felt myself being lifted up. 

I yelped, struggling against the strong chest.  

“Annie! It’s me. Stop it, stop it right now. He’s going to wake up any minute. We have to get out of here.” 

I relaxed “How?” 

“Just hold me tightly.” Well, no problem. I’m okay with that. I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

“No, no. Like this.” He moved my arms so that they were wrapped underneath his arms. “Hold me tightly,” he repeated. 

I gripped him hard. He reached down and grabbed the back of my thighs, lifting me up so that me legs enfolded him. Then he jumped. 

Jace landed hard on the top of a trashcan, his sneakers making a loud thump. I slid down his body a bit, and I scrambled up him quickly and resumed my former position. 

Grabbing onto a ledge jutting out from the wall, he tensed his body. My heart was beating a million miles a minute with fear. I was going to die. I was going to die. I was going to die. 

Jace pushed up with his hand and placed his foot on the ledge, pulling the rest of his body up after him. I was going to die. Above him was a window with rusty black bars. 

He seized one of them and suddenly we were floating in midair. Okay, not really, but all that was holding us up was his hand on the bar. I gulped, squeezing him with my arms and legs, trying to hold him tighter. 

I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’mgoingtodieI’mgoingtodieI’mgoingtodie. My manta kept repeating itself in my mind, and I squeezed my eyes shut, and hoped to all that was good that I would survive. 

I’m going to die, I’m going to d- All of a sudden we were whooshing through the air, then we hit something hard, then we were falling, then were sliding, and then...then, miraculously, we were on the ground. On the other side of the wall. 

I’M NOT GOING TO DIE!!!!!!! YES!!! I released him and jumped around in happiness, my eyes opening automatically. 

“Okay, okay. Come on, he could hear us.” Instantly my happiness was gone, and I stopped jumping. Oh yeah, the stupid cop. Why did we have cops anyway (No offense to anyone, this is just the way she is thinking at the moment.)? They are so incredibly stupid and a total waste of people. Gosh. 

I took Jace’s outstretched hand, and trudged behind him, my spirits officially gone. 

I was Wanted. That means that anyone who feels like it can turn me in. I wonder if there is a reward...

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