Chapter Twenty (I can't believe it!)

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~Bleeding Roses~ 

Chapter Twenty

Water seeped over my toes. It was cold, freezing cold. I didn’t know how Jace could stand it, he was ankle-deep in it. 

Elizabeth clung to him like the bitch she is. Her eyes were wide, staring at the monster in front of her. Delos looked like money. Old money. 

He had a YACHT. Seriously, who has those anymore? Okay, well lots of people. But still. And he was wearing a tuxedo. Coming to claim his lost-excuse me, run-away-love, huh? I suppose so. 

But the way Elizabeth, the little demon, was looking at him was disgusting. Seriously, must she act that way? She’s a total flirt! Yes, I know Delos is rich, and she probably does too, from the way she’s looking at him. And I mean, how could you not? He sure looked like he was. 

But I concur. Right now, I’m kind of bored. If you remember, I barely remembered anything from my time with Delos. Jace had made him to out to be some kind of horrible monster, but looking at him now...I’m not so sure. He looks perfectly fine, and he hasn’t tried to do anything to me yet. And anyway, he is saving us! He came for us in a yacht so that we wouldn’t drown. That doesn’t sound so horrible to me.

“Thank you for coming, Delos. We were about to drown! May I get in your boat?”

Surprise flickered through Delos’ eyes at what I’d said. I suppose he treated my badly when I was at his mansion, and he did look incredibly old, but he seemed perfectly nice. I will give him the benefit of the doubt. 

“Of course you may, Miss Rose. Take my hand, and I will help you up.” Delos extended his arm towards me, and I instinctively reached out to grab it. But before I could, Jace let out a cry of alarm and pushed my down. 

I lay on the floor for a moment, completely shocked. “Jace! What the hell was that for?!”

I mean, I was already wet from my fall earlier, so that didn’t really matter, but my ankle was still sprained. I suppose when I fell down the stairs I sprained it, and that’s why I was unable to stand. But it had gotten better, and I was leaning on Jace for a bit of support. But with him throwing me to the ground like he just did, the pain flared up again once more. 

“You can’t go with him, Annie!” he shouted. 

“And why is that?” 

“He’s an evil bastard.”

“He seems perfectly nice to me.”

“Don’t you remember what he did to you?!”

“Actually, no I don’t. Remember?” 

Our exchange was exchanged through a flurry of words. Spoken too fast for Elizabeth to understand, apparently, since she was looking back and forth from him to me repeatedly, bafflement written all over her face, for the whole time we were talking. But with my last words Jace feel silent, and did not speak. 

“That is quite interesting, I must say. You do not remember, Anne? Well, that explains why you are not screaming and running from me. Which would be stupid, seeing as you are on a sinking ship.”

Delos stepped into our boat, and reached for me once again. I struggled into a sitting position, and reached up towards him in return. 

But, again, before he could actually touch me, Jace punched him in the jaw. 

Delos head snapped back, and his hand lifted up to his cheek in pain. He glared at Jace, then his eyes widened. 

“John Christopher...” Delos said in wonder. 

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