Chapter 25

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I wake up and notice the clouds hanging in the sky.
I sit up and stretch my arms above my head with a yawn.
I look over to see Alex, already awake, with a CFMC book propped against her knees and Tails laying contently at her feet.
"Mornin'" I say getting out from under the cosy covers and walking over to my closet to pick out clothes before taking a shower.
"G'morning." I hear her mumble from behind the pages of her book.
What should wear..... Aha!
I quickly pull out a pair of grey skinny jeans, a tight black knit sweater, black knee high boots, black knit leg warmers and my knit Griffindor scarf Alex gave me for Christmas last year.
I march into the bathroom, my clothes draped over my arm and jump into the shower.
I step out of the bathroom fully dressed and magically makeup-ed and my hair put in a French braid that falls on my right shoulder.
"So are we going to breakfast or what?" I ask as I plop myself down on the corner of Alex's bed.
"Sure, just a few more pages." She mumbles without looking up.
I watch her turn a page and notice the bracelet.
Did she not take it off? That's so cute!
I finger the beater bat charm on my necklace as I remember Fred giving it to her.
My train of thought was broken when I see the twins coming back towards us.
"We're back." Said George with a wave.
"'Sup with you Fred?" Alex asks pointing at his hands.
"Well I actually have something for you Alex. Here." He says handing Alex small black box with gold writing on it.
"What is it?" She asks taking the box from him.
"Open it." I say excitedly, bouncing slightly.
"Alright." She opened the box and I leant over her shoulder to see a silver chain bracelet with a little heart embedded with a red gem. She stood there speechless for a moment until I elbowed her.
"It's beautiful Fred, thank you." She said with a genuine smile and gave him a hug.
"Bonus." He said and hugged her back. "Here, I'll help put it on."
He grabbed the bracelet out of the box and attached it to her left wrist.
"Is that what you left to go do?" I asked Fred.
"Yeah and I needed George 'cause I wasn't sure what she'd like."
"I didn't help that much I just decided on what kind of jewelry to get." George said.
"It's perfect. Thank you both." She says fiddling with the chain.
I lean over to Fred and whisper in his ear.
"She rarely even hugs me, I'm rather shocked."
A huge smile spread over his face.
"What did you just say to him?" She asks, glaring at me.
"Not telling." I say, poking my tongue out at her.
"You suck." She states.
*End Flashback*
"Hurry up and get dressed, I need food!" I whine and get up from her bed, then stomp over to mine before grabbing a pillow and flinging it at the practically comatose Ferin to wake her up from a distance.
That girl's like a hippogriff when she's angry. Especially when you're waking her up.
"Rise and shine!" I call.
"But it's soooo early!" She cries as she sits up in her bed, glaring daggers at me.
"But I need food, and I refuse to sit alone for breakfast!" I tell her, picking up another pillow and chucking it at her as she laid back down, trying to fall back to sleep.
"Alright, alright, I'm up!" She cries, holding her hands up in mock mercy, snakily as she gets out of bed, grabbing some clothes and stomping into the shower
"For Merlin's sake..." I grumble as I watch Alex feed the Kneazle.
After about 20 minutes of Ferin bitching about being up so early and Alex getting ready, we finally go down stairs to eat breakfast.
I rush into the great hall and plop myself down in a random seat as the others come walking over.
I grab a stack of 3 waffles, each with an egg on top, and a few sausages, covering them in maple syrup(so Canadian Eh.).
I cut a piece of waffle with egg on top and eat it.
I look up and across the table, as Alex and Ferin sit on either sides of me, and see the golden trio, one of which is glaring back at me.
"What are you glaring at Weasel?" I ask him, rather rudely I might add.
"Nothing Tracy." He grumbles.
"Good." I say, taking another bite of my delicious breakfast.
"You're eating as if you haven't eaten in days!" Ferin states, appalled at the amount of food on my plate and how fast I seem to eating it.
"Well I haven't." I sate with a shrug as I take a sip from my goblet of pumpkin juice.
"What?!" She asks, sounding rather shocked.
"Haven't had the time." I say with another shrug.
"How could you have not eaten anything?" She asks incredulously.
"I'm not used to eating proper meals, I cant eat a lot or else I get sick." I say quietly.
Alex only knows cause she found out in first year after the Halloween feast....
"It's true, she hasn't eaten an actual meal since last Monday and the closest thing since was that bun she had for lunch on Tuesday." Alex states, rather calmly.
"It's not like I'm not used to it by now." I state then look across the table at Harry not eating anything.
Doesn't he have a challenge today, he needs the energy...
Hermione notices him pushing the food around on his plate and tells him to eat, he nods but I can tell he feels nauseous just looking at it.
After breakfast Alice, Ferin and I found Triss siting in the stands already saving seats for us.
We all sit down as the champions gather into the tent.
I look down from where I'm sitting to see a tall young man with longer, familiar, red hair pulled back into a pony tail, opening a cage.
Once the cage is open I see a dragon emerge and is then quickly shackled into place near a large nest with four golden eggs in it. After a little while of just sitting and waiting I hear two familiar voices behind us.
"Place your bets! Place your bets!" They both called.
Fingering the beaters bat charm on my necklace I look over my shoulder to see Fred and George taking bets on the champions.
I stifled a small laugh when I heard one of them yell at a Slytherin for trying to place a bet with leprechaun gold.
And then just like that, the first champion emerged from the tent, Cedric Diggory.

Double The Fun {George's Side} [book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant