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''What was you and josh just talking about?'' Lucas asked once I sat back down.

''Yeah I thought you's hated each other and why did he have you're phone?'' Farkle asked.Should I tell them about last night?Would they judge me? I mean they shouldn't there my friends and true friends would not judge right?It would certainly not be good to lie to them.

''I left it at Riley's last night before we left I completely forgot.'' I lie trying to seem convincing.Which it must of worked being that they all shrugged and went back to talking about whatever they was talking about I didn't pay no attention.I can't believe what I did last night I'm not like that at all,I'm defiantly not going to get a scholarship at washington state if I hang around kids like that even though Mel was nice I still can't waste my time getting drunk and not focusing.I'm sixteen I know I don't have to worry about college till senior year but coming from a family background like mine where you can't afford a college like washington state It's very important to make sure I get that scholarship.I wonder what Josh's plans after high school are, Being that he is gonna be a senior next year I wonder if he thinks about it.Why do I even care about what Josh dose I can't stand him why is he such a jerk at all times?

''Maya.You coming?'' Riley asks snapping me out of my thoughts.I look up to notice Riley, Lucas and Farkle standing up. ''We said we was going to the mall wasn't you paying attention?'' She ask.

''Yeah sorry.''I reply getting up putting on my cardigan and walking out of Topanga's with the three.

Once we all get to the mall Lucas and Farkle go to the book store so Farkle can get some science book he's been dying to read, I kinda wish I went with them I prefer books over a bunch of pink dresses and high heels but I felt bad leaving Riley alone so Riley and I shop around forever 21.

''What about this?'' Riley holds up a yellow dress with sequins, I make a disgusted face and shake my head at the hideous dress.

''Yeah you're right.'' She agrees putting the dress back. ''What about this one?'' She holds up a light pink long sleeve skater dress with lace design.It looks totally Riley.I smile and nod my head.

''I'm gonna go find some accessories and then try it on.'' She says in excitement and walks towards the accessories.I continued looking threw some graphic tee-shirts.

''Maya?'' I hear my name and turn around to see a familiar face.

''Mel?Right?'' I ask not sure being of how drunk I got last night I can't really remember if it's her or not.

''Yeah hey!What are you doing here?'' She smiles at me.

''I'm just shopping with my friends.What about you?'' I ask.

''Same except it's just me,El my best friend didn't wanna come she's got a cold.Hey are you coming to Riker's party tonight it's gonna be awesome?''

''I don't think so I have plans.'' Why didn't I just say I have a sleepover with Riley? Now if I correct myself she's gonna think I'm lying and don't wanna hang out with her which is kinda true it's not really here just Josh and his friends.

''Oh well Maybe next time.'' She smiles and I nod. ''I better get going I'll see you later.'' We exchange goodbye before she walks out of the store.

''Who was that?'' Riley ask wearing the dress she picked out and holding two pairs of earrings.

''No idea.'' Why am I lying so much today? Gosh I should just tell her.Okay I'll tell her tonight at her house.She shrugs and holds up the earrings.

''Which earrings do you like better?''

''The studs.'' I pick the little gold bow studs.After thirty minutes of Riley picking out two dresses and a lot of necklaces, earrings, Headbands etc.We left forever 21 and went to a shoe store where I watched her try on some flats and boots.I was kinda bored just sitting there I wasn't much of a shopper for shoes I really wanted to go to the book store but felt bad leaving her alone.

''I don't really like the color.What do you think?'' She ask snapping me out of my thoughts.

''I like the white.'' I tell her and she agrees.

''Ladies.'' Farkle greets us walking into the shoe store.

''Farkle!I'm glad you're here.'' Riley says.

''Really?!'' Farkle's face lights up.

''Yeah...what color shoes do you like better white or purple?''Farkle's smile fades.

''I guess the purple.'' I laugh and stand up from the chair I was sitting in.

''Hey Riles I'm gonna go to the book store for a little while I'll catch up with you's later.'' She nods, I say bye before walking out of the shoe store and walking to the giant book store connected to the mall.I walked into the book store immediately feeling the warm air hit me, I went straight to the literature isle and scanned through the book shelf I finally found the great gatsby one of my favorite books besides pride and prejudice.I sat on the floor and started reading.Twenty minutes went by of me being in my own little world reading.

''Well if it isn't Maya Penelope hart.'' I heard a familiar voice snapping me out of my reading.I look up to see of corse Josh Matthews.

''Really!'' I roll my eyes getting up off the floor and walking away but I could sense him following me.

''Someones in a pissy mood.'' He chuckles following me through the isle.

''Yeah because I can't even read a book in peace because of you.'' I say as I continue walking.

''Oh sorry I ruined you're fun.'' He says sarcastically.I take a deep breath before turning around to face him.Once I turn I notice a copy of great gatsby same as I'm reading.

''I thought you didn't read?'' I smile motioning down to the book.

''I don't read you and Riley's boring teenage sappy books.But seeing as you are reading one of my favorites I suppose you're taste is slightly not as horrible as my sisters.'' He smirks.My mouth falls open on his words.

''You're favorite book is great gatsby to?Wow didn't know you actually had taste.'' I laugh.

''Same to you blondie.'' We stand in silence for a couple of very awkward seconds before he speaks up. ''Well I would love to stay and carry on this pointless and very ridiculous conversation but I actually have things to do so later Penelope.'' He gives a arrogant smile before walking off.Ugh I hate when people use my middle name and I hate him.But I had no idea Josh out of all people would be in my favorite book store reading my favorite book he's still a jerk though.Shaking the Josh thoughts out of my head I put the book back being that I already have a copy at home and go to the notebooks,Sketchbooks, journals, Etc.I decided to pick up a new sketch book being that I needed one I payed for the sketchbook and left the book store meeting Riley,Lucas and Farkle all at the food court.

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