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Farkle and I was binge watching the kardashians in my living room eating popcorn counting every time one them says totally, omg or sooo cuteee hanging out with Farkle was a grate distraction from Josh and I thought it was really sweet how he skipped school to make me feel better today.

''I don't understand why there so hard on this Scott guy he's hilarious really makes the whole show.'' Farkle shoves another hand full of popcorn in his mouths. ''Plus he kinda looks like me.'' He adds in causing me to laugh.

''Yeah keep dreaming.'' I laugh and Farkle and turn my attention back on my favorite tv show.It's one of those guilty pleasures that you can't shake off.In the corner of my eye I notice Farkle texting on his phone.''Everything okay?'' I ask noticing a serious expression on his face.

''Yeah my mom just texted me to come home for dinner.'' He puts his phone in his pocket and stands up putting his jacket on.

''Well thanks for keeping me company today it really made me feel better.'' Farkle is such a loyal friend I'm lucky to have.

''Don't worry about it I'll see you later.'' He smiles before we exchange goodbyes and leaves.I clean up the popcorn and the living room I don't want my mom or gammy to freak about the mess when they get home.I start to hear a noise coming from my room, getting scared because I'm home alone I grab a vase from the living room table I don't know what I'm gonna do with a vase but it's better than nothing.I slowly walked into my room to see no one there except my window open with the cold air coming in Farkle must have opened it when I wasn't looking or something and after all my apartment dose have a lot of rats running through it. It must have just been a rat or something, I put the vase down on my dresser and walk over to my window closing it and before I knew it I felt a hand over my mouth.I try to let out a scream but it only comes out muffled, after about four seconds there hand moves away and I turn around as quick as I can to only find Josh standing there with a smirk on his face.

''Josh I can't believe you.'' I push him. ''That's such a rapist move.''

''Sorry.'' He continues laughing.

''What are you even doing here?'' I ask annoyed.His scent fills the room the mix of cigarettes and vanilla for some reason I don't mind it a much as I used to.

''I wanted to apologize.'' He shrugs and goes to lay down on my bed like it's totally casual.

''Ok so...Apologize.'' I stand there with my arms crossed.

''Oh I said I wanted to I never said I was gonna.'' I roll my eyes and walk over to the bed.

''If you're just here to be a jerk and not apologize then you can just leave.'' I snap.I except for him to have a shocked look and apologize but instead he just takes out his phone and starts tying.

''Nah I'm bored so I think I'll just hang here.'' What is with him and acting like everything is completely normal and brushing everything off.

''You're ridiculous.'' I roll my eyes and turn around to walk away but before I could his hand connects with my wrist.

''Hey.Ok I'm sorry.Come on.'' He says still holding my wrist and bringing me to sit down on the bed with him. ''I'm sorry and I never say that to anyone, I was stupid and a jerk I'm not embarrassed of you far from it I don't know what I was thinking.Please forgive me Maya.'' I'm shocked from Josh's actions ever have I ever seen him like this before I could open my mouth to talk I hear the doorbell ring.It's probably my gammy who forgot her key she dose that a lot.

''Sorry, Just one minute.'' I say and get up exciting my bedroom to the living room.I open the door and I'm shocked to see it's not my gammy but someone I never excepted to see.

*A/N Cliffhanger!! Ok so I'm sorry it's short but I have 3 other stories to update and I'm currently writing 2 brand new fan fictions that I can't wait for you to read.One is called Love and hate which is a Riarkle fanfiction and I'm working on another one which I'm still trying to figure out the name but it's just every ship in the girl meets world so yeah.I can't wait for you's to read them.Also don't forget to like and comment on this chapter and thanks for reading babes!*

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