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Warning:Slight cursing and mentions of sex read at you're own risk.

I sat on the chair by Mel's desk as she pulled some outfits out of her closet most of it was reveling and black or grey but who am I to judge the way someone dresses I mean Josh was kinda right when he said I dress like a grandmother, But I'm comfortable and I'm not good at change.As Mel looked through a bunch of outfits and tried them on she continued to tell me about this new tattoo she wanted.Mel had a couple small tattoos not as much as Josh and the other boys in there little group I'm surprised they can even get tattoos being that there underage but I think Josh told me one time they have fake Ids or have some special connections I don't really know.

''So then I told Ellie you can't be pregnant if you're only a day late.'' Mel laughs and I snap out of my thoughts turning to her. ''Wait what?'' I question.''I thought she was gay?'' Mel only laughs like we was watching a friends episode I furrow my brows in confusion on what she found so funny. ''Ellie's not gay.'' She says when she stops laughing. Was Josh lying? Or did Mel just not know about her best friend? Come on Maya you're smart enough to know it couldn't be the first one.  ''But Josh told me-'' I'm cut off my Mel saying. ''That's what Josh tells every girl he hooks up with who's jealous of El.''

''Okay I'm confused please explain.'' My mind is racing with questions.''Josh don't do relationships he feels there for weak people who are to scared to be on there own and are doomed from the start I think he only had like one girlfriend in his life and it wasn't serious he didn't love her and cheated on her every day he said he only went out with her so he could get her off his back about going out with her but didn't want to loose the ''Great sex.'' They broke up like three months later big shock there but anyways Josh dose friends with benefits no strings attached but that don't mean the girls he sleeps with don't get jealous so he lies and says that Ellie is gay which she's not Josh out of everyone should know El told me they made out like two times.'' She finishes and lays down on her bed and I'm left in shock on what I'm just told, And for the first time since I known him I thought Josh was halfway decent.

''Can I do you're makeup?'' Mel ask. ''No.'' I say plainly before returning to my homework. ''Why not just a little eyeliner?'' I only wear makeup rarely and it's usually very little. ''No.'' I tell her again.She rolls her eyes playfully and starts trying on more clothes.The whole time my mind kept going back to what Mel said about Josh and how he don't do relationships, I care a lot more than I'm suppose to about it but what I care more about it why Josh would lie about Ellie because were not even hooking up- Unless he plans to.My heart starts beating fast and I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about it.I push it to the back of my mind and turn my attention back on my homework and Mel. After about another thirty minutes Mel figures out what she's going to wear and we continue to talk- Well me asking her a bunch of questions but she didn't seem to mind.I asked mostly about parties, alcohol, tattoos It was weird talking to her I never really been around people like this who was wild and free.Except Josh but we never talked or acknowledged each other until very recently.

One hour later I leave Mel's and head over to Riley's I decide to take the door than the window which was weird.I walk in to see the last person I want to see right now. Josh. I decide to avoid him and pretend he's not there maybe he's to busy texting on his phone he won't notice me, I walk past him and almost make it in the hallway without him noticing me.Almost until I heard a familiar voice say "Gonna walk in my house and not even say hi." I turn around to see he's still texting on his phone dose this guy have eyes in the back of his head? "I was hoping." I say in a bitter tone and he gives me a slight laugh while texting one last thing on his phone before putting it in his back pocket. "As much I would love to stay and play our fun little game I have to meet a hot girl." He smirks and walks towards the door and a pit of jealous burns within me.
"Like Ellie. Mel told me she isn't a lesbian." He stops walking and stays still for a moment."What's wrong Joshua caught in you're own lie?" I tease. The boy turns around and gives me a smirk before slowly waking towards me. "The only thing wrong is that there's a hot redhead waiting for me to fuck her. Over and over again." He says in a quite seductive almost evil voice. He's so close our lips are almost touching, he gently grabs my chin and I swear he's going to kiss It's almost as if I wanted him to like no I need him to. But in that moment he dose something I didn't except. "Like I said she's waiting." He whispers with a smirk on his face and walks out of the apartment leaving me there speechless.

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