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*A/N I am going to be making a youtube video answering some of you're guys questions because I know you have a lot so please comment you're questions and I will answer them in my video!*

The next day Riley, Lucas, Farkle and I was all set to meet at topanga's once I arrived in the warm coffee shop I notice Farkle sitting down at a table writing something down in his binder. ''Hey Farkly.'' I greet Farkle with his nickname Riley and I gave him, he looks up at me and closes his binder and gives me a slight smile before greeting me back.Farkle rambles on about something he discovered in science I wasn't really paying attention.A couple minutes later I hear the door open and assume it's Riley.I was wrong when Farkle and I turn our heads to see Josh walking straight up to the counter not making eye contact with neither of us.Farkle and I sit in silence as Josh orders and receives his drink he turns around and I notice he starts walking towards us my heart starts pounding I think about the idea of getting up and leaving before he says something to me but then decide that would cause a scene.

"Hey Farkle." Josh says not even acknowledging me.Farkle gives him a quiet hi. Farkle and Josh stare at me silently and I get the feeling they want to talk privately. ''Well I'm just gonna go.'' Awkwardly.Once I walk out of the coffee shop I feel my phone buzz and see a text from Riley. ''Lucas is sick and his parents are out of town taking care of him sorry we can't make it peaches! :( '' The text reads well this is great I don't feel like going home and now I have no one to hang out with.Maybe I should go hang out with Mel, we're very different and not really friends even though she's nice I can't see my self becoming close with her like Riley and I but why not hang out for a little while. ''Hey you busy?'' I send the text to Mel and get a response a couple seconds later. ''Not really, what's up?'' the text reads.I reply asking her if she wants to do something and she replies telling me to come over to her place.

As I walk to Mel's place I get a sadness flood over me and right away I know it's because Josh it's only been a day but I miss him I just want to talk to him but I know I can't keep getting sucked in by him I can't let him think that no matter what I'm always gonna be here waiting for him and whenever he wants he could just kiss me and I'll follow him around like a little puppy dog, I won't let that happen.I get to Mel and Aubrey's place, it's so weird to think Aubrey and Mel are sisters- well stepsisters how do they live together when there so different? I ring the doorbell and seconds later the door opens revealing a rather stressed looking Aubrey. Her hair's up in a messy ponytail with hair's coming down and bags under her eyes but there were times she was like this.Stressed because of school I get like that sometimes to, Aubrey and I are similar in some way but she's more preppy than me she's the type of girl who can become friends with anyone I'm not like that I have trust issues I don't let people in except for Riley of course.

''Hey Maya.'' Aubrey smiles sweetly at me. ''Mel's upstairs I would love to stay and chat but I have to head to the library.I'll see you later.'' She says in a rush and runs out of the house.I walk into the large apartment and close the door walking up the stairs to Mel's room. The door is half open and I slowly open the door to see Mel, Ellie and Riker on her bed. Mel lying on her stomach listening to music, While Ellie painted her toes and Riker was on his phone. Across from them sitting on the floor looking through records was Theo, I didn't know they all was gonna be here. Come on Maya did you have anything better to do.

''Hey Maya! Wanna pick the next song?''' Mel ask. I sit down on the bed next to her taking my jacket off. ''I don't know my music taste isn't that good.'' I tell her. ''What kind of music do you listen to?'' Ellie smirks at me and I suddenly get nervous. ''Uh I don't know sleeping with sirens songs are cool.'' I answer honestly and I swear in the corner of my eye I can see Ellie roll her eyes and go back to painting. ''Damn she's pretty and knows good music.I like her.'' Riker says causing Theo and Mel to laugh.Feeling uncomfortable with Ellie and Riker on the bed I go sit over to where Theo is. ''What kinda music you like?'' I ask him catching him off guard. I like how quiet Theo is it's cute. He then begins to telling me his favorite bands and artist.

''Maya are you coming to the movies with us?'' Riker asks and Mel informs me there going to see Deadpool I'm not really into superheros but it beats staying home watching american horror story.''Yeah why not.'' I shrug and go back to talking to Theo. As Theo and I are talking about Orange is the new black I hear Mel's bedroom door open I look up to see of corse...Josh.

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