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Maya's Pov

The rest of the car ride I was quite and kept to myself while Riley keep conversation with Farkle who was in the next row next to us, Occasionally I would turn around to have small conversation with Lucas or Gloria who was sitting behind me mostly so I can glance over at Josh.He hasn't looked at me since earlier I noticed he's just been talking to his friends and going on his phone.I pull out If I stay one of my many favorite books and start to read it for about the hundredth time. 

''Josh what are you doing?!'' I hear someone say.I turn around to see Josh lighting a cigarette I roll my eyes. 

''Mr.Hall is sleeping and common we all know he takes ecstasy like there M&Ms" Josh replies in annoyance. I crinkle my nose in disgust at both of the fact all the talk about drugs and the fact that everyone is totally fine talking about our teacher like that."Have some respect."  Then everyones heads turn towards me with shocked expressions on there faces...including Josh.Oh god did I say that out loud! Josh's shocked expression then turns to a half smirk and tilts his head to the side. 

"And what's respect Hart?" My heart stops beating fast at about what he's about to say.Is he gonna bring up what happened at Aubrey's party?Of corse he is! That's the only bad thing I did.I wait for him to say it but his smirk falls and he shakes his head. ''Give me a light.'' He says to Mel putting the cigarette in his mouth taking the lighter from her.

Three hours later...

It was now night time we were almost in South Carolina and mostly everyone was asleep as it was eleven pm I think the only people that were up was Riley,Farkle and Me.Riley went to sit next to Farkle as they watched a movie on his phone.I was sitting by myself almost done with If I stay I'm a fast reader what can I say.I feel someone sit next to me I look up and see Josh, I turn my head to look out the window seconds before he gently puts his hand on my chin making me look at him.His mint scent which I love so much fills my nostrils the scent is familiar and calming, there's something about his blue eyes that feel like home to me making my heart beat fast before dropping to my stomach.Before I know it our lips are connected and the feeling comes back that amazing scary feeling where I get butterflies in my stomach and feel infinity.The kiss last fifteen seconds before we both pull away I lay my head on his shoulder and instead of sleeping like we should we spend the night telling stupid stories and laughing way to much to the point where Gloria kicks our seats for laughing to loud.Somewhere between that we eventually got tired and fell asleep.

We are all woken up at five am by Mr.Hall informing us that we are at the hotel and must get up and check in.We all groan not wanting to get up at five am eventually we all get up and get our bags.It was now six am and we was all basically half a sleep in the lobby while Mr.Hall explained the room situation with us and a bunch of other pointless stuff I was to tired to pay attention to the only thing I heard was boys on three floors lower then the girls and the adults will be monitoring the halls to make sure no one snuck up or down.We all begged Mr.Hall to let us get a couple hours of sleep in our rooms he finally agreed and we all went up to our rooms.The rooms was basic two beds a tv,bathroom better than my bedroom at home.Mel immediately went to sleep in her bed I on the other hand not so much.I was tired just a little while ago but now that I'm in the bed I can seem to sleep whenever I try I just think about pointless stuff like if I should cut my hair or if I'm team captain america or team iron man.I sighing annoyance and take my phone off the charger on the bed side table deciding to scroll on tumblr until I get tired.I scroll looking at basic stuff until I see this quote I stop and start to read it.

''He was bad, He smoked, he broke the law, he drove to fast for his own good.He didn't care because no one taught him how to.But when it came to her, he wanted to be the best man.He couldn't bare the thought of her being hurt by him... or by anyone else. He would kill to protect her, the girl who cared about someone as worthless as him in all her perfection.'' 

I feel tears form in my eyes by the end of it.It's a coincidence right?Has to be- my thoughts are interrupted by my phone buzzing in my hands the top of the screen reads. From:Josh I click the text message. ''You alright?''  his text reads. ''Yeah just miss you.'' I reply truthfully. seconds later he replies. ''Miss you to babe :( " I smile at the text he sends another seconds later. ''Come to our room.''  his text reads. ''No way I'm not getting caught by Mr.Hall I'll see you in a couple hours.'' I reply and put my phone back on the table before finally getting some sleep. 

(A/N please comment what you thoughts and you're opinions I love reading you're guys comments and please fav this chapter. I can't wait for the text chapter hopefully I can have that up tomorrow or the next day!)

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