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After the game Riley, Lucas, Kyle and I went to I-hop while Farkle said he didn't want to be stuck with us couples all night so he went to Mel's kickback.The whole time at the restaurant there were laughs and stories being told the conversation never went dry, although I was having a great time there was something in my mind and heart bothering me...That kiss.Not only that kiss but the one in the elevator to it was like I felt a feeling I can't even describe these butterflies in my stomach and happiness when I think about it I knew I was going in to deep but I can't help it there's something about him.''Maya.Maya.'' Riley snaps her fingers to get my attention I snap out of my thoughts about her brother and turn my attention to my best friend.''Yeah sorry.'' I reply and notice everyone is standing up about to leave.

''Are you coming?'' She ask I get up and walk outside with them.Kyle and I say bye to Riley and Lucas leaving it just Kyle and Me in the parking lot alone.''You played great tonight.'' I complement Kyle and a huge smile plants on his face. ''It's because of you.I told you you're my good luck charm.'' His words make me blush but I couldn't help the hurt going through my stomach and in my heart.

Stop it Maya it's Kyle you like him and not Josh or anyone else.

I notice him leaning in.Oh god! He's about to kiss me isn't he. My heart starts to beat outside my chest and panic rushes over me, not knowing what to do I quickly back away.''I'm sorry.'' I breath out as Kyle looks embarrassed and confused. ''No.No it's fine.'' He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.I instantly feel really bad Kyle is so amazing and I wish I could love him and feel the same way I felt about him just a month ago but I couldn't, Because there was one idiot who I couldn't get out of my head... Josh Matthews.

''I'm just really confused right now.I think we should just be friends.'' I tell him in a low tone I could tell he was hurt god why am I so terrible?! ''I understand.You love him and that's fine.'' His words confuse me not the fact that his tone was calm and normal no anger but the fact that he said ''I love him.'' I furrow my brows in confusion. ''What are you talking about?'' I asked confused putting my hands in my pockets as a cold breeze came threw. ''Josh I seen the way you looked at him and anyone in there right mind could see the way he looks at you.'' He chuckles lightly at the last part.

''I'm sorry.I'm a horrible person.'' I shake my head looking down. ''You're confused and that's normal.But when you figure it all out, give me a call.'' He smiles and offers to walk me home which I politely decline.It's freezing cold and our houses are on the complete opposite sides of town and very far away, Plus he's probably tired he just played a big game.We exchange goodbyes and hug before both going our separate ways.I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders as I walk home I think about what Kyle said about the way Josh and I look at each other I don't think I look at Josh with love? With disgust and annoyance yes but not love, What about the way Josh looks at me? I guess I never really noticed how he looked at me? Those thoughts ran through my head the whole walk home.

I walked in the warm apartment to see my gammy fell asleep on the couch I close the door quietly while putting my jacket on the coat rack and slowly tip-toe to my room.Once I get inside my room I see Josh laying down on my bed reading a book.I roll my eyes and sigh. ''What are you doing here.'' I say in a low tone but just loud enough to where he can hear me, He looks up from the book he's reading and sets in down on my nightstand.I sit down on my bed next to him I noticed the book he was reading was titled ''We all looked up'' I recently just bought the book and never found the time to read it yet. ''Is it good so far?'' I asked holding the book in my hand. ''Only on the third chapter but really good so far.'' He replies, I lay down next to him and we start to talk about books.I know weird right?

''So what are you doing here?'' I finally ask him while we lay there on our backs staring at my ceiling. ''Wanted to make sure you was ok.'' He shrugs. ''How'd it go with Kyle?'' Josh's question causing me to turn my head to him in confusion. ''Why do you care?'' Josh has always been a mystery to me I could never understand him. ''Mel wanted me to ask you if you can drop by her house after school tomorrow for the bonfire next saturday.'' He dogged by questions changing the subject to Mel. ''Why do I have to do that? Why can't Ellie or Aubrey do it?'' I sit up and put my hair in a messy bun while sitting cross legged. ''I don't know I guess she likes you better? She said she likes you're fashion sense better than there's....I don't know why.'' He says with humor in his voice. ''Hey!'' I hit his arm playfully . ''Ow okay sorry Floyd Mayweather.'' He teases causing me to laugh and roll my eyes playfully.

*A/N New chapter tomorrow or the next day all depends on school. Also I recently made a twitter, FINALLY! Haha so please go follow me to find out when I update my stories and maybe some teasers ;) Follow me and I will follow you back. @ stacylovess15

Thanks for reading and also please vote and comment thanks!*

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