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I threw on some casual clothes as Riley told me about how her parents got mad because she maxed out there credit again.I'm worried about how I'll act around Kyle what if something comes out about Josh and me? Ugh there is no Josh and You Maya stop over thinking.

''You ready?'' Riley asked me as I applied my last coat of mascara.

''Yep lets go.'' I grab my purse and my phone and we head to the subway.

''So I don't understand you liked Kyle all you're life and now after just one fun night with Josh you're over Kyle.'' Riley said gripping the pole on the subway.

''Riles I'm not over Kyle I'm still into him and trust me I will never ever like someone like Josh.He's rude and cocky and-''

''And you love him.'' Riley smirks at me cutting me off.Making my heart beat really fast just at the thought of thinking about Josh that way.What is wrong with me?I need to get my head back on straight I will never love or like someone like Josh he's not good for me.

''Ew no what's wrong with you.'' I exaggerate a little bit, Riley rolls her eyes playfully and the train comes to a stop we get off the crowded train and walk to the baseball field.Once we get there we first see Farkle and talk to him for a little while.

''So how long till the game starts?'' Riley asks Farkle, He replies and tells her about ten minutes I'm distracted when I see Josh and his friends he looks totally fine and happy as he laughs with his group of friends.I notice he takes off his leather jacket leaving him in only a white v neck to show off his tattoos and toned arms.

''Stop staring at my brother Maya.'' Riley snaps me out of my thoughts I turn to Riley who looked annoyed while Farkle just stood there smirking.Being me I decide to go over to Josh and His little group and have some fun bothering him.

''I'll be right back.'' I tell Riley and Farkle and walk over to Josh and his friend.

''Maya hey!'' Mel greets me with a big smile causing Josh's group to turn there attention to me.

''Hey!'' I say back to Mel and turn to Josh. ''What's up cutie.'' Josh looks confused and so do his friends.

''Uh hey?'' He replies still looking confused.

''I love the way this shirt looks on you." I put a arm on his shoulder.

''What's wrong with you?'' He whispers to me.Before I can reply I hear the voice of someone unfamiliar.

"Hey sorry I'm late my family was giving me a lecture about how my room always smells like smoke

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"Hey sorry I'm late my family was giving me a lecture about how my room always smells like smoke.'' I turn to see the voice came from a girl with brown hair dressed in all black and pretty revealing clothing.

''Ellie this is Maya, Maya this is Ellie.'' Riker introduces me to the girl who's name I now knew as Ellie.She turns to me and gives me a smirk.

''Oh so this is the new girl.'' She puts a piece of gum in her mouth and extends her arm. ''Ellie but call me El.'' we shake hands and before I can say something Josh says something.

''Okay Maya this was...weird.See you later.'' I'm about to walk away before Mel says something.

''Wait Maya come sit with us?'' Mel offers before I can reply I hear Riley's voice from behind me.

''Common Maya the game is about to start.'' Riley says.

''I should get to my friend.'' I politely decline.

''They can come to there plenty of room on the bleachers common.'' She gives me a big smile and waits for my reply.

''Mel I really don't feel like hanging out with my little sister and her best friend the whole night!'' Josh complains then I notice Ellie is wearing his leather jacket and my blood starts to boil, I hear Mel whisper loud ''Be nice.'' To Josh he rolls his eyes and walks up to the bleachers with Ellie.

''Why not.I'll meet you up there.'' I reply and head back to Riley and Farkle.

''No.'' Riley says once I walk up to her as if she already knew what I was gonna say.

''Please Riley you don't even have to talk to them.'' I try to talk her into it.

''Maya do you really wanna be involved with people like them?''

''There not so bad Riley common.'' Farkle says to Riley, she thinks about it for a minute until finally giving in.We walk up to the bleachers where Josh and his friends are I notice Josh's friends greet Farkle almost as if they know him giving him high fives and fist pumps that's so weird?I guess Farkle really isn't the same Farkle from middle school.The seating goes Riley all the way at the end, Farkle , Riker, Ellie, Mason, Josh, Theo and Mel leaves a seat for me in between her and Theo.That's when it clicked I smirked to myself and sat next to Theo and Mel.

''Hi.'' I smile and say to Theo He doesn't reply and gives me a slight smile. ''You don't talk much do you.'' I ask the boy.I never sat this close to him or really looked at him he had perfect raven black quiff hair with a blonde streak in the front and had a scruff beard.He really could be a model.

He smiled before saying. ''Sometimes.'' I noticed a British accent, Ugh how I love when guys have accents it so cute.

''Yeah I can be like that to.You just seem kinda mysterious.'' He laughs slightly and I swear in the corner of my eye I can see Josh tense up.This is so childish but fun.

The bad boy's weakness {Joshaya} Where stories live. Discover now