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(A/N ughh I am so sick with a bad case of the flu and can barley stand and if that is not enough my laptop charger broke so I'm currently waiting for a new one to come in the mail which is taking longer than expected so I'm typing this on my phone so please excuse the terrible grammar once I get back on my laptop I will go back and correct it all. So yeah that's why I have been slow with the updates lately but enough of me rambling enjoy this chapter!)

Maya's Pov

After taking a two hour nap I forced myself up, I look to the bed next to mine and notice Mel is still asleep I feel really dirty so I decide to go into the shower while the hot water brushes against my skin my thoughts immediately drift off to him.I can't help it I don't know what he dose to make me feel this way when he's in the room I can't think of anything else except him as if he is the only thing on this earth, The way I fall every time the most simples things come out of his beautiful lips or perhaps the way he moves...He makes me feel different I don't understand I have known him all my life what changed? Have I always felt this way? I spend almost an hour in the shower thinking about Josh this was something I needed to work on shorter showers.I brush my teeth, wash my face and fix my hair before getting dressed in blue cuff up jeans and a long sleeve white shirt pairing it with white converse. I leave the bathroom and notice Mel is not in her bed instead there lays Theo flipping through one of Mel's rock band magazine's that I can never figure out.

''Hey where's Mel?'' I ask confused trying not to seem mean.He looks away from the calendar noticing me.

''Getting ice.'' He shrugs and flips a page in the magazine.

''For what?'' I furrow my brows in confusion.

''Beer.'' The way he talks like everything is so casual like he has no care in the world.I haven't known Theo long but I noticed a few things about the black raven hair boy like how he shakes his leg when he's annoyed or bites his lip when nervous. ''And before you ask yes they brought beer. Why? Cause there horny teenagers who like to get drunk and stoned all day.'' He responds to a thought I never even knew I had.

''And you're not?'' I joke as I reach in my bag for a cardigan.

''That damn ice machine is like four floors down.'' Mel enters the room out of breath holding a bucket of ice. ''Theo later tonight you gotta help Josh and Riker sneak the beer up here.'' Mel informs Theo who only replys with a simple nod.

''By the way Mr.Hall wanted me to tell you guys to dress nice tonight were going to some history event slash dinner I don't know just dress nice.'' She adds.

''I'm bored what's the plans?'' Theo asks sitting up.

''Well Mr.Hall says we have today to explore so we can do whatever we want.'' She shrugs. ''Wanna go to the mall?''

''Can I bring Riley?'' I ask, it might be awkward just us three I'm so different from them we don't really have anything in common. Once Mel says yes I tell Theo and Mel I'll meet them in the lobby while I go to Riley and Gloria's room.I knock on the door and seconds later Riley answers the door with a annoyed expression.

''Woah what's up with you?'' I ask entering the room.

''That.'' Riley points to the bed next to her which is Gloria's

''What a bed?Yeah that's what the other person you know you're roommate sleeps on.'' I laugh at my best friend.

''No.'' She gets up and storms to the bed and picks something up. ''Condoms Maya!Condoms and Birth control pills!How much sex can one have?!'' Riley snaps.

''At least she's being safe.'' I laugh as Riley rolls her eyes before sitting on the bed asking what I came here for. "I was going to the mall with Theo and Mel do you wanna come and save me from awkward conversations with Josh's friends." I beg with puppy dogs eyes I know she can't resist. She agrees and we leave the hotel room taking the elevator down to the lobby to meet Mel and Theo.
At the mall
Luckily Theo and Mel split up from Riley and I doing there own thing. Riley and I was walking around the mall while Riley was trying to find something fancy to wear for tonight.
"Are you gonna try and find something to wear to?" She asks me.
"Nah I already got something to wear." I reply excited about my favorite dress, it's over the knee with flare and flowers.
"Please don't tell me it's that hideous grandma dress you love so much with the flowers and flare." Dammit she knows me to well.
"Hey I love that dress!" I defend.
"No peaches we are finding you something hot to wear." Riley says in excitement grabbing my hand and leading me around the store. After a long thirty minutes in forever 21 Riley and I can't find something that's dressy that we like so we walk out of that store going into five different stores.
"Can I ask you something?" I ask Riley as we walk in the mall.
"You know you can ask me anything peaches." She smiles sweetly.
"Who was with you in the bathroom? It was Lucas right." I feel stupid answering the question because obviously it was Lucas but I just had a gut feeling to ask. I notice her smile fade and look down at the ground. We then stop walking and she turns to me.
"Ok if I tell you, you can't laugh ok you promise?"
"I promise." I say knowing I probably will laugh.
"It was Farkle." Riley whispers ashamed. NO WAY!
"Oh my gosh! No way!" I practically yell causing Riley to shush me and put her hand on my mouth. "Why Farkle?!" I ask when she removes her hand. ''I thought you was with Lucas?'' 

''I was- well I am it's just Lucas is experienced and I'm not and were technically not a couple he said he don't want to put labels on anything or jump to into something so I don't know Farkle was just there.I just- ugh I really don't know and I really messed up.'' Riley rambles on you can tell the guilt in her voice even though her and Lucas are not going out she sill regrets it's but then the question comes to my mind is she falling for Farkle?Did she like being with him? I wonder if it hurt dose sex hurt? Of corse it dose that's a stupid question Maya- wait why am I even thinking about this?

''So did you like it?You know was Farkle good?'' 

''Maya!'' She exclaims and hits my arm I can't help but laugh at her.

''Common it's me Riles we tell each other everything.'' She thinks about it for a minute and opens her mouth to speak but is cut off by a familiar voice.

The bad boy's weakness {Joshaya} Where stories live. Discover now