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''Josh?'' I hear a female voice from behind me and turn around.

It's that girl that I always see at Mel's house what's her name Alice? Ashley! There you go, Mel's step sister and Aubrey's sister.

''You ok?'' She ask, her voice is soft her long brown hair blowing in the wind.

''I been better.'' I reply before putting the cigarette out.

''Can I sit?'' I nod at the brunette, she sits down looking up at the night sky her blue-green eyes looking up at the stars as her lips pursed and the moonlight setting on her pale skin. ''What's you're story?'' I ask feeling intrigued by the mysterious girl I always saw around. She looks away from the sky and at me. ''What do you mean what's my story?'' She try's to hide a smile. ''I don't know, what are you doing out? What's up with you're sister? Entertain me.'' She laughs looking down playing with the sleeves of her maroon sweater . ''Well it got pretty boring in there so I decided to change out of that uncomfortable dress and get some fresh air.And which sister?"' She smiles at the last part. ''Forget about you're sister, tell me something.'' I say bored and in desperate need of entertainment.

''Why don't you tell me something?'' I shrug. ''What do you wanna know.'' I ask her. ''What are you doing out here seeming pretty upset?'' She crosses her arms over her chest sitting back crossing her legs. I look at her and we stare at each other, do I really wanna tell my problems to her? Honestly Josh right now you need to get you're mind off Maya instead of talking about it my subconscious says. ''Wanna get out of here?'' I smile at her and she accepts.


It was now eight-forty Theo had took me downtown to show me the culture and history he told me his family vacation here from time to time we were walking down the empty streets looking into the windows of shops and all the lights, it was different than new york it was...quiet.

''No way?!'' I laughed in disbelief. ''Yeah this is the movie theater they went to in the notebook.'' Theo answered pointing to the closed down old movie theater. ''And right here is where they danced and looked at the street lights.'' Aw that was my favorite part of the movie. He then walks off of the sidewalk and onto the street sitting down on the road.

''What are you doing?'' I panic.

''Come on I'll be you're Noah.'' He jokes.

''I am not looking to end my life tonight thank you.'' I cross my arms trying to seem polite, he chuckles before saying. ''Did they die in the movie? No. Take a risk.'' I wanna tell him no they didn't die in the movie because it's a damn movie then stop myself thinking I always said that it's on my bucket list to lay down looking at the street lights and there's no cars in sight.What are you thinking Maya it's a stupid idea don't do it. ''Do you trust me?'' He holds a hand out.Should I trust him?


I hate people. Like seriously I can't name one person I actually like except for Maya.

Riker, Mason, Mel there not really my ''Friends'' there more like people I just hang out with because there like me plus there delinquents that make me feel smart. But here I am on the floor in a hotel room with a sophomore halfway drunk off of beers sharing our life stories. We do have a lot in common not as much as Maya and Me but still a lot like we both have this perfect image to live up to by our siblings, Both are misunderstood and both can't open up but here we are opening up to each other.

She sighs looking down. ''What's wrong?'' I hate to ask because I hate getting into all the mushy lovey stuff but for some reason tonight that's all I been doing, Maybe it's just the alcohol making me like this.

''I don't know.'' She says softly shaking her head, ''Dose it ever go right? Dose the right girl ever find the right guy?'' Yes it never works out because the guy is always stupid and let's the right girl slip away.

''Sure.Yeah I believe it dose.'' I answer truthfully finishing the beer in my hand before opening another one which will be my fifth one.We stare at each other for a couple of seconds before she starts to lean in.The old me would have kissed her and not gave a fuck but tonight gots me in my feelings those feelings I fucking hate and always try to hide but I can't hide the fact that Maya makes me wanna change be better, for her. ''No Ashley we can't.'' Softly I say shaking my head before standing up she stands up shortly after.

''We can if we want.'' She says.

''No we can't...'' I start to feel the alcohol take over while looking at her perfect pink plump lips and soft beautiful face. Slowly we both lean in and it don't take time until our lips are both touching.


I can't believe I am doing this, lying down on a empty street looking at the street lights with a boy covered in tattoo's telling me about his broken family how his father is a cold man who cares more about money than his family always working being a lawyer while his mother a kind strong woman who owns a dry cleaner wanting the best for her kids.

''Once my older sister Danielle died my family split my dad got a divorce, my other sister Rebecca moved to England we still talk here and there not much though and my older brother Tristian who lives in New Orleans wanting nothing to do with our family.While my father lives in California on his fourth marriage by now visiting my mom and me in new york once a year barley.'' My heart hurt for Theo it did when I first saw him I just thought he was some bad boy with a rich family who wanted to be bad and get drugged up all the time but I understand now.His father always making him feel like he was nothing, his whole family leaving him and his mother after his older sister who was like a second mother to him died of cancer.He's been hurt.

I just wish Josh would open up to me like Theo did. I turn my head looking at Theo he looks back and we stare at each other for a couple seconds before I notice us both leaning in I have to stop this before I make another mistake like earlier.

I stand up from the ground. ''We should get back before they start to wonder where we are.'' I say making up a excuse he agrees though and we walk back to the car. The car ride is silent but not awkward just silent. The windows rolled down bringing in the brisk chilly air maybe I just want to feel something I want to do something wild and fun feel free but I know I'll regret it because that's not me I wish I could be like that but I can't.

End of Pov

Riley went downstairs to the large silent lobby to complain about the terrible Wi-Fi once again in her bunny pajamas not caring if anyone saw her there bunnies who don't love bunnies.She stopped in her tracks when she noticed Farkle sitting down on one of the expensive chairs in the lobby writing in his notebook.She felt curious what is he doing down here this late when everyone is sleeping? What is he writing down in that notebook she saw fifty times a day when there is no school for the weekend? The thoughts spun in her head after minutes of deciding if she should go over there she finally dose.

''Hey Farkly.'' She smiles at the boy she hasn't spoken to since that day in the bathroom when she told him to not tell a living soul. He looks up from the notebook immediately closing it putting it to his side. ''What you doing up this late?'' She questions taking a seat next to him.

''Oh you know. Couldn't sleep.'' His lies are more obvious than Kylie Jenner's lip injections.

''What you writing there.'' The brunette grabs the black notebook before he can stop her she stands up and backs up so he can't pull it from her grasp her smile drops opening the notebook and seeing what he has written down.

''Riley give me it back.'' Farkle begs as he try's getting the notebook but fails miserably as Riley is to fast for him.She flips another page not believe her eyes.

''What is this?Is this true?'' She feels her mind fill up with questions that she needs answers to what's it all mean. ''I need answers Farkle this is to much.'' She flips another Page reading another there's so many pages with so much.He takes this moment to grab the notebook holding it over his head so she can't get it Riley really missed the days she was towering over him.

''If I tell you, You can't tell anyone not even Maya. Promise me?'' The brunette thought about it for a minute could she really keep something this big from Maya?

The bad boy's weakness {Joshaya} Where stories live. Discover now