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The next day I still didn't hear from Josh but assumed he was busy I got dressed and met Riley at the subway like usual and went to school, the whole time she went on and on about mixed signals from Lucas and why he hasn't asked her to be his girlfriend yet.Once we got to the school doors Riley stopped me from walking in. ''Oh no I forgot to tell you.'' She says with a worried expression on her face. ''Tell me what?'' I questions as I walk into the school and when I do everyone's eyes are on me even the teachers. ''Everyone knows about you're date with Josh yesterday.'' Riley whispers leaning into me.How dose Riley even know that I didn't get the chance to tell her yet. 

''What how?'' I whisper back as we start walking to our lockers with everyones eyes still on me. ''Maya when you hang out with the most trouble boy in New york word gets around.'' Once I get to my locker I see Josh across from me with a blonde girl and Mason I think his name was there just laughing until Mason walks away and that's when Josh brings the blonde closer kissing her while grabbing her ass.I look away quickly.Riley looks at what I was looking at and looks at me hurt. ''I'm sorry.'' 


The sound of the school bell fills my ears and Riley puts her arm around my shoulder. ''Come on lets get to class.'' She says to me.Once we get to class we already see Lucas, Farkle and Aubrey in there regular seats.

''Ok class I have a special announcement!'' Mr.Carpenter Announced. *A/N I know so funny Sabrina's last name I just put that because I couldn't think of a last name lmao* 

The whole class turned there attention to him. ''Next week we are gonna be visiting South Carolina to explore all the history and learn more about it.'' The whole class started whispering and talking. ''And the senior class will be joining us as well.'' Mr.Carpenter adds in causing my heart to start beating really fast that's just grate that means Josh is coming I roll my eyes and Mr.Carpenter starts talking about his lesson about the history in South Carolina. 

After class at lunch.

''This is so cool South Carolina is where they filmed the notebook.'' Riley said in excitement to Farkle, Aubrey and I.Then Lucas and Kyle sit down I haven't really seen Kyle much. ''Hey.'' He smiles at me. ''Hey.'' I smile back.I really hope Kyle and I could stay good friends I like him a lot and hope to keep him in my life. ''I'm just happy it's gonna be warm there.'' Aubrey laughs and the whole table agrees.''I'm just not excited about the 10 hour drive in a bus with rowdy seniors.'' Including Josh my subconscious adds in. 

''I just hope I don't have to share a room with Whorea Gloria the hookup queen.God only knows how many guys she'll bring back.'' Riley says.Riley and I don't slut shame but I mean everyone knows it's a fact that's what Gloria is she's seventeen and had three abortions, slept with the whole school plus I think she even gave her self that name''Yeah housecleaning would have to change the sheets every ten seconds.'' Aubrey joked causing the whole table to laugh even me a little bit. ''Hey guys!'' Gloria cheered to the table. ''Hey Gloria!'' The whole table said in usion as if they wasn't just talking about her. She walks away swaying her hips and all of us busted out laughing.

After school at Topanga's

I met Farkle, Riley and Lucas at Topanga's. ''Hey guys where's Aubrey?'' I asked taking off my jacket. ''She had a family emergency in Jersey.'' Farkle answers.I nod and sit down next to Riley as she yawns. ''You still haven't slept?'' Lucas asks. ''What do you mean?'' I ask. ''She hasn't slept in two days.'' He replies. ''Why not?'' I turn to Riley. ''Josh has been keeping me up because.'' Riley's eyes widen and she looks down at her coffee. ''Never mind.'' I raise a eye brow at her trying to figure it out. ''What?Come on Riles you can tell me.'' 

''Josh has been hooking up with girls every night for two nights.'' She finally gives in and I feel my heart drop and brake into a million pieces.No Maya you can't cry you's are not going out and you should have excepted this. I try to tell myself and calm myself down. ''I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't want to hurt you.'' Riley says putting her coffee down on the table. ''She did warn you Maya Josh is no good everyone knows that.'' Lucas tells me. ''Yeah I wouldn't trust him be carful.'' Farkle shrugs before going back to writing in his notebook.Everyone's right I shouldn't trust him and I can't keep playing this game with him. ''What do you think?'' Lucas asks the waitress with medium length hair that looked like Clary Fray.

''About what?'' She asks in a soft voice. ''The whole cat and mouse game.'' Riley answers and we all wait for a reply. ''I been in it before trust me waste of time.'' Maybe she's right she's a total stranger but right it is a waste of time and I don't got time to waste. ''But then again if you really love the person and fight for it in the end its worth it.Just depends on you're situation and how strong you're love is.'' The redhead shrugs. ''Wow thanks...'' Riley waits for her to tell her, her name. ''It's violet I just started working here.'' the girls name who I now knew as Violet says. ''Do you go to school around here?'' I ask interested. ''Yeah I'm a freshman at NYU.'' Then the door opens we all turn our heads to see Josh.Why is he always around me?

*A/N Yeah so I actually know a girl like Gloria and thought it would be funny to put her in the story but of corse I changed the name to protect her identity and all that.I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I been super busy I'll try to update more.And please if you're a Joshaya shipper like me please go read my other Joshaya fan fiction called intense love.Thanks babes! Don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter! *

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