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I looked at my outfit once more in the mirror, I adjusted my turquoise fuzzy sweater which I paired with black jeans and turquoise converse.I left my hair in it's natural curls I smiled in the mirror approving of my outfit before grabbing my phone and my bag.

''Bye mom I'm spending the night at Riley's!'' I said to her.By this time she came back from work at Topanga's.

''Okay have fun be safe.'' She said before I walked out of the apartment walking to Riley's.I climbed through the window as usual to see Riley sitting there in her pajamas.

''YAYY!'' She yelled throwing her arms in the air in excitement.

''Boy I feel bad for you're neighbors.'' I laughed putting my bag down on her bed.We heard a knock on Riley's bedroom door we turned our heads to see Josh in a white v-neck and black jeans.

''I'm going to Riker's party I won't be back till late so make sure to lock the doors.'' He told Riley in a stern voice she nodded.

''Alright what we watching the fault in our stars or mean girls?'' I asked.

''Both.'' We said in unison.

''Do you have hot chocolate?'' I asked while getting my pajamas out of my bag.

''No but we have some at Topanga's downstairs the key's are on the counter.'' I nodded going in the kitchen and finding a set of keys on the counter,I walked out of the apartment walking in the hallway making my way to the elevators.Only to find Josh standing by the elevator typing on his phone not bothering to look up I rolled my eyes at the sight of him.We stayed there in silence waiting for the elevator it seems as he still hasn't noticed me hm something on that phone must be pretty interesting.Once the elevator dinged Josh looked up noticing me standing next to him a smile grew on his face I got nervous to know he's about to say a mean comment about how I look.

''Hey blondie you look nice.'' He said stepping into the elevator I followed behind him.

''Thanks.'' I replied back confused as He pushed the first floor button.

''Guessing you are not going to the party.''

''Nope not in a million years.'' He chuckled at my response.

''Typical.'' I roll my eyes.Just five more seconds and you'll be free from him just five more sec- I was snapped out of my thoughts by hearing the elevator beep twice meaning it was out.

''No.No.No!'' I said repeatedly pressing the button.But nothing.I heard Josh laughing in the back of me. ''What are you laughing at matthews?''

''We both have cell phone gosh just call someone.'' He said tapping something on his screen and holding the phone to his ear.Idiot how dose he not know you can't use a cell phone in elevator's I stand there waiting for him to get it.

''Ohhh.'' He says finally getting it. ''Yeah were screwed.''

Ten minutes went by of me pounding on the elevator doors screaming for help and nothing.

''That's not gonna work if no body came 10 minutes ago no one is gonna come now.'' He says while sitting down on the elevator floor.

''This is ridiculous.'' I groan.

''I know you're gonna be late for the star wars marathon or is it a bingo game.'' he smiles.

''I can't stand you!You're a jerk,annoying and completely narcissistic.Not to mention crazy shallow'' I snap.It's all true I known Josh Matthew's since Riley and I was 2 I know him very well.

''At least I'm not a bore like you.You can't eat a sandwich without planning it before and after in you're little planner, high school is suppose to be the best years of you're life but instead you stay home all day studying hoping to get a scholarship at some fancy ivy league college.You spent the entire summer with you're nose in a book which is not a surprise because you're always just reading a book and never doing anything exciting take a risk do you know how much better you would feel after.'' My mouth dropped in shock, how did he know so much about me?Like how I'm always studying to get a scholarship in college, and how I spent the entire summer just reading and how I have to plan everything in my planner.

''I like the way I am.I rather be a bore than be one of those bimbos you sleep with and then leave the next day, the girl who has no plans for the future and is probably gonna end up dancing on a pole!''It's true there are times I hate being such a good girl but I rather that because at least I'll end up with a actual future.I sigh and sit on the floor next to Josh.

''Can I ask you something?'' I ask him, he nods. ''Why do you hate me so much?'' His smiles fades into a serious expression.

''I don't hate you Maya.'' He replies in a stern voice.

''Yeah right.'' I say sarcastically.

''I'm serious I don't.I'm sorry if I make it seem like that...I make fun of you that doesn't mean I hate you.''

''Then why do you do it?You don't make fun of anyone else.'' He opened his mouth to say something but he didn't.He turned his head away from me staying silent.I always thought he made fun of me because he hated me he's always been like this since he was little and I never understood why, it's probably because I'm such a easy target I let people walk over me I need to work on that.Fifteen minutes passed by of silence nothing but absolute silence stuck in the elevator.I soon began to feel a shortness of breath, feeling like the walls was closing in and started to shake.

''Maya are you okay?" Josh asked concerned, I shook my head.This didn't always happen just sometimes no one knew about it not even Riley.Josh started panicking not really knowing what to do.''Think about happy things.''

''Like what?'' I say between breaths.

''Friends, family.''

''Not family!'' I say to him.When I think about family it just makes me think of how much I don't have one or a whole family at least, just my mom.

''Right not family, my bad.'' He blames his self while trying to think of something.''Look at me, Maya look at me.'' He holds my face with his hands, we gaze in each others eyes for five seconds before he brings his lips to mine.His lips are so soft and taste like mint we kiss for 11 seconds before the elevator movement stops us, we pull apart to see the elevator doors open and to find Cory,Topanga,Riley and some repair man we pulled apart before they could see us kiss thank goodness.

The bad boy's weakness {Joshaya} Where stories live. Discover now