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I love Ya'll but you's gotta be more active like and comment some more please get this story out there I put so much time and love into it so please share it and get it more out there, thanks!Enjoy.


''So how's the roomie? Where is she anyways?'' I asked Riley while looking through her huge makeup collection I'll never understand how girls need so much makeup all I need is concealer, mascara and sometimes some lipgloss.

''Who know's probably the walk of shame she never came back last night.'' The brunette apples one last layer of light pink lipgloss taking her in ring finger dabbing it in. ''Do you like this color?Should I do red instead?'' She turns to me.

''No I like it.'' I reply she takes the lipgloss applying it again before the door opens I assume it's Gloria as I continue to pick at my nails.

''How did you get in here without a key?'' Riley asks.

''Who says I didn't have a key.'' The male voice causes me to look up and see Josh standing in front of Riley. ''Nice lip color by the way.Oh sorry.'' He says moving Riley's arm causing the lip gloss to smear all over he left cheek. 

''Josh?!'' Riley exclaims before hitting his arm Josh continues to laugh before walking towards the bed and taking a seat next to me. ''Hey.'' He says plainly.I observe his outfit, his white band tee-shirt fits him perfectly showing off his toned arms I bit my lip looking down.

''Hey.'' I tuck a piece of my blonde hair behind my ear not looking at him. I'm a little taken back by the fact he wasn't at least a little different with me barley even a smile? Those thoughts quickly fade away as he places a hand on my leg smiling at me.

''Oh no!'' Riley's voice interrupts my thoughts as Josh and I both turn to see the brunette struggling with the curlers in her hair. ''It's stuck it won't come out. Ugh!'' She opens the hotel room door running down the hall. ''Farkle!'' Riley calls out to the boy once she leaves leaving Josh and I confused as to why she is going to Farkle for help on a beauty situation but we just start to laugh. Seconds later the laughter is calmed down and again with the awkward silence.

''Look Maya.'' Josh turns to me. ''I don't know how to do this...This whole thing I guess like the whole love thing and holding you're purse or feeding you strawberries while we watch the bachelor God I hate the show!'' His words leave me confused and what is with him and holding my purse? 

''Josh calm down you don't have to hold my purse..or watch the bachelor.'' I furrow my brows in confusion at the boy. ''I'm just happy were trying take it slow.'' This was not apart of my plans my whole life I had everything planned out I always planned no boys in high school focus on school to get into Washington State University once I graduate move to Seattle become a author and maybe settle down by the time I'm thirty.But here I am taking a huge chance with the boy who all of new york feared except me I have no idea what is going to happen next but something I do know is I am crazy, madly, truly, deeply involve with this boy in front of me.

''Hey Mr. & Mrs Smith hurry it up with the looks let's go.'' I hear Farkle's voice we turn our heads to see Riley, Lucas and Farkle standing in the doorway.Josh and I stand up leaving the room walking down the long hallway with the three.

''Hey Farkle I should probably ask you now before I forget I have a problem with my computer can you help me real quick?'' Josh asks Farkle, the boy nods and both of them walk off Riley and I shrug as we continue walking with Lucas. While Riley and Lucas are talking about all the sites they wanna see I checked my phone something I haven't done since yesterday morning, I seen many text messages and missed calls from my mom she's probably freaking out right now.

''You guys I gotta call my mom real quick I'll meet you's in the lobby.'' I tell the pair before they nod walking off into the elevator.I dial my moms number putting the phone to my ear walking further down the hallway.

The line rang for a couple seconds before she answers. ''Hello.'' My mother's soft voice rings through the phone she seems more relaxed than I thought she would be knowing my mother I was excepting her to answer the phone screaming. ''Well someone seems to be a good mood.'' I say she chuckles slightly before saying. ''Don't think you're off the hook young lady why haven't you been answering my calls?'' She asks in the same tone from earlier. 

''Sorry I been busy, how are you?'' I ask before hearing a male voice in the background a male voice I knew so well like the lyrics to you're favorite song, None other than Shawn Hunter. I couldn't help the smile on my face that appeared on my face I am so happy for my mom and Shawn. ''Oh wow mom I didn't know you're girl friends did have such masculine voices.'' I laugh leaning against the wall.

''Oh yeah speaking of so! Guess were Shawn is taking us for the holiday?'' I know there is a huge smile on my moms face. 

''Us?'' For some reason I get this feeling in my heart were I just feel...Complete. First Josh and now I have the family I always wanted.

''We are going to Italy!'' My mom screams through the phone with excitement. Italy?!

''Are you serious?!'' The excitement and happiness in my voice obvious.

''Yeah Shawn's boss booked it for his wife and his son but she threw herself out a window two nights ago.'' Ouch? Is she ok? ''Oh she's ok though she just can't walk or feel anything below the neck for two months but still WERE GOING TO ITALY!'' Geez that must suck remind me to send her a muffin basket. 

I talk to my mom for a little more before telling her I gotta go we exchange goodbyes and I love you's before hanging up walking down the hall I hear whispering very familiar voices whispering in fact.

''Are you sure?'' I hear the male voice whisper I quietly move closer trying to get a better hear without making my presence known.I see Farkle and Josh standing there whispering looking like they was in a dee conversation.

''Trust me I got it.'' Farkle whispers. Got what?

''Farkle I'm trusting you with this don't mess it up.'' Says Josh. Confused as to what they could be talking about I take a step back thinking but it's not long before I bumped into someone and fall in front of the two boys ending there conversation.

''Maya? Ashley?'' Josh says confused I look behind me and see the person I bumped into was Ashley, Figures. Oh no now there going to know I was listening to there conversation. ''What were you doing?!'' he questions with a hint of anger in his voice.

The bad boy's weakness {Joshaya} Where stories live. Discover now