Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I could throw my phone at the wall right now. Damn alarm clock.

I got out of bed and did my usual morning routine. After that, I had ten minutes left so I checked my clothes and hair. Curled hair, put on white shorts, a pink Aeropostale shirt, a white cardigan, and sparkly TOMS. I walked down the stairs and saw my moms bags at the door. I'm still mad that she's leaving but I'm going to miss her a lot. I saw her standing at the sink rinsing out her cereal bowl. I came up behind her and hugged her. She turned around and hugged me back, I started smiling because I missed feeling comforted.

"I'm going to miss you so much, sweetie."

I heard some sniffling and I giggled a little.

"Mom, it'll be okay. I'll still talk to you everyday and I want you to call me when you land!"

I said wiping a tear away from her cheek.

"Yes ma'am!"

She said laughing because I was directing her like a mother.

"I have to go, but I'll help with your bags."

I heard the cab honk and we grabbed her bags, taking them to the cab. Once they were loaded I hugged her again and watched as she left. I don't think I've ever felt this lonely. I looked at my phone and realized I had to leave to make it to school on time. I ran up stairs, grabbed my purse, and cheer bag. I ran back down stairs, locked the front door, and left for school.


"So where are you taking me tonight?"

My back was leaning on my locker and Jeremy's arm was pushing on the locker beside mine, holding him up in front of me.

"It's a surprise."

He said with a grin on his face and I grew one too. I'm not too sure if I want to go on this date but I will to just try things out. I saw Sasha walk my way and I had to talk to her about this.

"Hey, I'll see you later!"

I slid away from my locker to be pulled back into a hug by Jeremy. I laughed and he kissed my cheek, which made me blush a little. I walked towards Sasha and her eyebrow was arched.

"What was that?!"

She asked sounding like an investigator.

"Well I have a date tonight, with Jeremy."

"No way!"

She squealed a little too loud.

"Shh! And yes way!"

She did a little happy dance as we walked through the door to first period. I couldn't concentrate because I kept getting texts from Sasha asking questions and putting in caps her excitement. Every time I would look back towards her to see her face as I sent a text, I would catch a glare from Harry. What had his knickers in a wad?

I looked back one last time and he gave me a look of weakness. It looks like he wanted to tell me something but then the bell rang and he jumped up, pacing out of the room before I could say a word to him. I shook it out of my head and got up to go to the rest of my classes.



Jeremy came and sat next to me at the lunch table. I was being pretty quiet all day because of the Harry situation. It got me thinking, what was he thinking?

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