Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Waiting for Harry to get off tour is probably the longest thing I've had to wait for. I feel as if each day is a century without him. I'll go ahead and catch you up on my life to this point. That day at the Airport was the day Harry had finally confessed his feelings to me. His bad boy act was brought down along with the walls around my heart. Soon after he asked me to become his girlfriend, and with a little bit of begging on his knees, I agreed. A week after that, he left for his tour. No, I didn't go with him because I needed to get my life back in order. I stayed with my mum for about a month, and gladly did my treatments.

Did I remember anything?


But, with the way my heart was feeling about Harry and the way I felt so in love, the way I get butterflies when all he does is touch me, the way he hugs me from behind and doesn't let go because its almost as if he's afraid to lose me, the way he can make me blush every second, I knew even if my brain couldn't remember that but my heart felt that, then it's meant to be. No words can describe how I feel about him. I think it's really funny how he tries to act all big and scary but can act so caring and gentle to me. As if he's scared that I'm going to break.

When he left to go on tour, I was really scared of what my life was going to turn out to be, but Harry always reassured me that I was going to be okay; that we were going to be okay. Lou came out of vacation when she found out what all had happened and was there for me and the boys. After the month with my mum in London, I had to go back to LA. I went to my boss and explained everything that had happened, she relocated my next job to London and I was happy. I now live in an apartment that Harry bought for us and work smaller jobs. I go to grab my keys but stop when my phone started ringing.

"And we danced all night to the best song ever! We knew every line, now I can't remember how it goes,"

I sang along to the song until I saw that it was Harry.

"Hey babe! Did you land already? I was just walking out the door!" I said laughing. "Hey. And no." He sounded sad. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Are the boys okay?" I asked impatiently. "Everything's fine." He said calmly.

"Why do you sound sad then?" "My flight was canceled. I won't be in until Monday." My head lowered and my heart dropped even more. I've been waiting long enough. "Oh." Was all I could say. "I know you were looking forward to seeing me. I'm sorry, love." Harry said.

I could feel a tear flow down my cheek and I had to stop with the crying. Crying isn't going to bring him back any faster. "It's not your fault, Harry. I guess I'll just wait a couple more days." "I know. I have to go, the boys need me. I'll call you tomorrow." "Alright, I love you." "I love you, too, bye." "Bye." I slowly hung up the phone and put the keys back down on the table.

Guess I wont get to sleep in his arms tonight. The one thing I've been dreaming about for the past nine months. Nine months, I've had to Skype, call, or text my boyfriend. We haven't even had our first date. I lazily walk over to the couch and plop down. I grabbed the remote and flipped through each channel. We can go ahead and rule out watch TV. I switched the TV off and looked around. The whole place was clean and I wasn't really hungry. But, I might as well get food and stuff my face.

I grabbed my purse and keys and left the apartment. I drove down the street to this little market and bought all the ingredients for Harry's famous Chicken Alfredo. Even if it never comes out the way his does, I can at least feel like he's there in a way. I walked out of the market and saw the sun slowly going down. The sky held a pink and blue color; it looked picture perfect. I loaded the food into my red Mustang and drove back home.

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