Chapter Seven

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You fake a smile, ya lie and say you're better now than ever, and your life's okay, but it's not, no. You're doing all these things out of desperation. Wow, you're going through six degrees of separation.

-The Script

Chapter Seven


I've always hated Mondays, but since this was my first day of work, I was going to enjoy this one. My mornings gone like this: shower, hair, make up, and clothes. I'm looking at myself in the mirror right now and I think I look cute. Looking at myself in the mirror from head to toe. Straightened hair, light make up, bright pink short sleeve shirt, white shorts, and white strappy sandals. I saw that it was 45 minutes till eight and I had to be there at eight, but minus 30 minutes of traffic, 5 for Starbucks, and 10 with actually finding the place, I have to leave now! I grabbed my purse, placed my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my keys and left. When in the drive through line at Starbucks, I ordered and drove up to the window.

"Three eighty-two."

I handed the lady my money but then my attention was focused on my hand. I didn't have on my ring. I felt so weird without it, I always had it on. While the lady was making my order my mind wondered to why I had taken it off.

I had finally drug myself off the couch after spending my whole Sunday just sitting and thinking, about anything and everything.

I got up and found a pint of ice cream in the freezer and decided to eat it. After finishing the calorie galore mistake, I drug myself up the stairs and into my bed. I sat in Indian style for hours staring into the darkness for hours. I looked at the clock on my side table and it said 11:37 Pm. I had to go to sleep if I wanted to be ready for work so I laid my body down and placed my hand under my face. I felt something hard and cold on my cheek. I turned my lamp on and saw my ring. I just studied it and said quietly, "Hard and cold, just like my relationship." I slid the ring off and placed it in my drawer. I laid back down and stared into the darkness until my eyes closed.


The barista stood in the window, holding my coffee.

"Sorry! Thank you!"

I grabbed my coffee and left to the road. I typed the address into Google maps and followed the directions. When I pulled up to the building I saw expensive cars, everything being nicer than my old red mustang. But nothing could compete with my baby, in my mind. I walked into the building with the pass around my neck and the lady told me where to go, I thanked her and left down the hall. I came to a door that said, MAKE-UP AND WARDROBE. I was guessing I was here now. Time to see who I'd be working on now. I opened the door and there was nobody. I looked at the clock on the wall and it said 8:10 Where was everybody? I was told 8, and no later! I felt bad for being late myself but LA traffic is a b*tch!

I sighed and sat on the black couch against the wall. It was big enough to fit twelve people! I slumped down in the cushion and picked at my nails. The door slammed open and I saw people laughing and I jumped up.

"Oh! Hello! You must be Hope!"

The pink haired lady smiled and hugged me.

"Yes! I feel completely rude for asking this but who are you? I was never told who I was working with, just where to go!"

She smiled understandingly.

"I'm Lou and you'll be working with me for about a week until I go on vacation and the boys go on tour!"

"Oh, Gotcha! Wait! Boys? Tour?"

"Yeah, wow they really didn't tell you anything!"

I shook my head and she continued.

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