Chapter 11: Make it to me

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Sashi's POV
This might be the worst day of my life, I broke up with Teddy, I felt so much pain in my heart, I've watched as he just making out with Penn's NOW ex-girlfriend, and finally that I watched how I let myself to feel this kind of pain that causes me to be depress from today. I ran away from Teddy and everyone I care and went to a secret place in the park where only me, Penn and Boone knows it, I just hope that Penn didn't follow all the way here.

Penn's POV
Where can Sashi be? I cancelled the dinner night that I set up for my NOW ex-girlfriend which she has a "new" boyfriend, they are just thorns on my side that just do not go away. I have been looking for her everywhere and yet I haven't found her yet. I got help from Boone which I explained all the detail and Boone understands how it is but I still need to find Sashi, I've looked everywhere except... Our secret peace area where only me, Boone and Sashi knows it, so we went to that place and check if she's there. I just hope she is there.

Boone's POV
Penn needed my help to find Sashi after the little... Ok, big incident happen at Matilda's house. He explained everything from the anniversary that he made for the two until the brake up of the two head strong relationship of Sashi and Teddy, and Penn and Matilda. He asked for my help to find Sashi, but not yet found.

Penn: Uhhh....... Where is she ?

Boone: Don't know dude.

Penn: Why did I even bring her along to Matilda's house. If she didn't come along, she would never know about the Matilda and Teddy incident and none of this would never had happen. This is all my fault.

Boone: Hey, don't feel it in that way bro. It is not your fault dude. It is there fault ( referring to Matilda and Teddy ). And we will find Sashi.

Penn: I just don't get it. We've looked everywhere except......

Boone: Except what ?

Penn: "The secret peace area"

Boone: That place ?

Penn: Yeah, we haven't looked there yet so let's go.

Boone: Right behind you bro.

So we went to our old place that we knew a very long time ago, maybe it was like a lifetime whatever and etc.

Sashi's POV
Well here I am, alone, scared, sad, and miserable to anything that hurts me. Before I am leaving, I heard footstep of like two people, I readied myself in a fighting stance and readied myself into anything that might hurt me. And came into surprise that it was only Penn and Boone, I ran and hugged both of my dearest friends that only understands me.

Sashi: Oh... thank god. You came ( uncontrollable sadness )

Penn: We thought that we lost you.

Boone: Yeah girl.

Sashi: I'm sorry Penn that all of this happen.

Penn: This is not your fault. All of this is their fault. Don't worry about it. All of this is now in the past.

Sashi: Sorry if that happened.

Penn: I am sorry too.

Little bit that I know that it is only me and Penn are hugging, Boone is just a few inches away from both of us. It feels nice to hug him, it is like hugging a stuff teddy bear, so it is him who I am missing in my life, he is the one who is designed for not only for us, but also for me. He is perfect for me.

Penn's POV
It is just perfect just me and Sashi hugging, it is like hugging my stuff teddy bear but only she is just warmer and nicer to hug with. Matilda may have Teddy, but I just wish I could have Sashi in my life. She is just the one who is designed for me.

Penn: Hey Sashi....

Sashi: Yes ? ( little sad and little teary )

Penn: To cheer things up a little. How about a little fun ?

Sashi: That ( sniff ) would be ( sniff ) nice.

Boone: Uhmm. Where exactly ?

Penn: Anywhere. My treat.

Boone: How about that old ice cream shop we went so long ago.

Sashi and Penn: that is nice.

After a little comfort to Sashi, we helped her up and we all went to the ice cream shop that will be making happy and cheered up again, I just hoped.

Sashi's POV
Time skip
I am now cheered up with the help of my dearest friends, including Penn. After that, Boone left the parade and went home because it is almost 10:00 pm which he left me and Penn. Penn walked me to my apartmemt while sometimes I get tired after walking, Penn carried me in bridal style which I kindly accepted it. When we are now in my apartment, I knocked on the door which it opens that shows my mother's figure, she kindly let Penn in while carrying me. She laid me on my bed, starts going to the door, before he can go, I caught him at the coat which we both stop at the door.

Sashi: Hey Penn.

Penn: Yes ?

Sashi: Thanks for comforting me, I had a great time.

Penn: No problem.

Sashi: And there is something else I just realized.

Penn: And what is that ?

Sashi: I realized that.... That everytime that I see, it is like my joy and happiness comes back to me, all good memories went into my whole life.

Penn: I was about to say the same thing.

Sashi: I was trying to say is that.... I..... Love....You. I love you Penn.

Penn: That is what I wanted to say to you all these years. I have long waited for these words to come out of my mouth. Sashi. I love you too. With all of my heart.

And finally, we leaned in and closed the gap that is between and everything went all magical, I felt his soft lips pressed into mine, I felt all the love and passion that is in my lips. We broke apart and our foreheads touched each other.

Penn: So goodnight and goodbye my beautiful Sashi.

Sashi: That goes to you too, my new lover, and I will always love you.

Penn: That goes to you too my love.

And after that, one small peck at the lips and nose-to-nose and he left. I closed the door behind me which I happily sighed while slid down the door. This is now starting my new love, so I kept my head down and let him make it to me.


So, so, so, sorry that you folks waited for a long time for a chapter. I might say that I am a despicable homo sapien or human being. So, how do you like the story ? hmmmm ? How is the "starting over again" with Penn and Sashi ? huh ? I know that it is long but I need inspiration of making a new beginning for them. And to further understand the chapter, I added a simple song there ( If there is no song enscripted there, just: download the song entitled "Make it to me" by Sam Smith, or is it because that the internet is weak. And that is how I thought of the title. ) And do not forget to:





So I am sorry for the long wait and I hoped you'll liked the very long chapter. So here it is and thank you all the PZPTH and Penashi fans. Thank you and have fun.

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