Chapter 46 :: Aanya and Raj

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Before the performances

"Did you check out the college group?," Aanya asked as she went to Ritika and Varun.

"Why, what happened?," Varun asked.

"They've assigned the internship schedule. We have been divided into two groups for the same," she said and show them her phone, "Look."

Varun saw that Raj and he were in one group while Aanya and Ritika on the other.

His innerself jumped out of joy. This could be the best way to know more about Raj, he thought.

"Looks like you'll be spending more time with my boyfriend," Aanya laughed.

"Jealous already?," he teased her.

That was when he thought about what Ritika said too, of giving Raj the benefit of doubt.

"Umm Aanya?," he said, "How about I switch with you? I mean how much ever your boyfriend attracts me, I care more about you getting to spend time with him."

Aanya was taken by surprise by Varun's gesture.

"Sure why not! I'll go and tell this to Raj," she said and began to leave.

"That was mature," Ritika whispered to him.

They saw Aanya stop in her tracks and turn around.

"You know what?," she said walking back towards them, "I think lets keep it as it is."

Varun and Ritika exchanged confused looks.

"Don't be surprised," Aanya told him, "You think I haven't noticed it yet?"

Varun turned blue. Had Aanya found out what he thought about Raj?

"I can see your discomfort around him," she said casually.

Phew, Varun thought, its just about comfort level then.

"You are as important to me as Raj is, actually, even more. And I don't want both of you to be oblivious of each other. So as much as I need this, you need it more to get to know him. So take this opportunity and make sure that you beat me with my chemistry with him," Aanya winked and smiled at him as she said that.

Varun gave her a hearty laugh and said, "I'm sure he will wanna come to me by the end of it."

"We'll see," she said.

"Guys you ready?," Aarav came, "Sahil is going up now."

"Ever ready brother!," Varun told him.

"Go rock it," Aanya told them.

Varun could already see that giving Raj the benefit had proven beneficial to him. Atleast, he gained Aanya's trust with that. But it also meant he had to be very careful with whatever he did.

Aanya went and told Raj about what happened and he didn't seem quite happy about it.

"I wanted to be with you," he pouted.

"I know and I wanted that too but this is important for me," she told him.

"If this makes you happy then be it," he said, "Whatever you say."

"Thanks," Aanya told him.

"Oh come on," he said, "This would mean I'd get to take you out more often so its a win-win for me."

Aanya laughed and they turned their attention to the stage as Sahil started the show.

Once Aarav, Ritika and Varun were done with their performance, Aanya and Raj went to the stage for their.

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