Chapter 8

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We all got out of the car to see Eric hanging his hand around Jennifer's shoulders. Moved on pretty fast. Everyone in the house knew that they broke up when Steve wanted to envite him over. It is an awkward situation when your brother and your exboyfriend are friends.

"So it's confirmed that you broke up?" Riley nodded to Hannah "Awwh" She sighed "But you were perfect" She saw the sadness in Riley's face and tried to cheer her up by telling her that she'll find someone else.

"So I was wondering" Tobias said "Will you go to the dance with me?" My heart froze, What?!! I guess he saw the reaction on my face so he said "Unless you already have a date" The air held some tension and I started to talk.

"No no it's not that.. I just don't want to go to the dance."

"Oh" He relaxed.. Since when did he like me? "Why?"

"We sorta do a family thing instead" I explained "Last year we went balling, ice skating and dinner at chuck's, This year we're watching a baseball game.. Dad got us free tickets"

"Oh. Nice" He said.

"So since when did you like Hillary?" I forgot that my brother is infront of us. "I thought you'd go for some idiotic blondie like Hannah"

I blushed and Steve saw me blushing but said nothing, he just grinned like a fool at me. "Umm.. I um. I don't like blond idiots." He finally managed to say. I really like Tobias but not like that. I just don't think he's right for me.

"You're so mysterious Tobias" I said and started listening to the teacher.

I went to work after school but Meg came along with me since the photography shop was closed today. Chad greeted us at the door stammering and laughing nervously at her. I already know that he's into her.. He tries to hide it but I can see through his actions, I always throw him hints that she would like to date and stuff like that but he's too afraid to ask.

"Hi Chad" Megan said slightly smiling at him oblivious to his feelings.. She just doesn't think that anyone could like her. I elbowed Chad to ask her out but he told me to shut up. It's fun to have a friend in love with your sister, but it would be weird if they broke up.

"So Meg, what kind of music do you like?"

"Classics and pop" She said.

"What movie do you love most?"

"The family stone.. It's really funny" She started telling him the story of the movie.

"You know what would be fun?" He asked


"If I rented the movie tomorrow and we watched it together"

"Yeah it'd be great" She smiled cheekily at him.

"Great then it's a date, we'll meet here" He said then headed out smiling victoriously to himself finishing his shift.

"Oh My Gosh YOU HAVE A DATE WITH CHAD" I started gushing and saying happily but she just smiled at me.

We went home and I directly told mom and Riley, dad heard and started questioning, asking us about the guy afraid for Megan. After her boyfriend was forced to leave she was heartbroken, always crying and she refused to come out of her room for a while. Dad is just afraid that would happen again.

In the night of the dance we watched the game and our team lost by one point, but we had plenty of fun. Jermy spilled mustard all over his shirt so he did the same to our shirts because we laughed at him, Steve almost got into a fight because he started flirting with a girl that came with her huge boyfriend.. All turned out fine but it was a good day.. We also went to a restaurant and got kicked out since we had a little food fight.

"So you had fun at the dance?" I asked Beth who's currently dating Ryan..

"Super fun.. We danced and kissed and it was perfect you know? I think I'm ready" She said.

"Oh God; You mean..?"

"Yes I think I'll sleep with him"

"Are you sure?"

"Well yeah, I won't wait till marriage like you and your sisters, God knows your brothers are doing it all over the school"

"Hey I didn't need to hear that!!"

After 3 periods of torture, we were finally free to get lunch. I found Tobias sitting with James and Steve, so I sat next to him, Bethany was with Ryan somewhere so I was alone. Megan came to us with a grin on her face. She's been dating Chad and her smile never leaves her face anymore... I just like when she's happy.

"Just F**k off" We turned around to see Riley yanking her hand away from Eric's.

"Hillary, Language" Mr Henderson, our history teacher said.

"I'm Riley!!" She yelled at him and came to our table leaving the teacher baffled with her act. She sat at our table with a mad face "He breaks up with me, sleeps around and expect that we'd be back together? What an ass!!! And why does everyone think I'm you these days?!!!!" She yelled at me, but I don't blame her.

"Because you two are twins and you're acting a bit like her in a bitter way" Tobias said softly. Oh my God, I just had an idea, maybe they should be together! I'm the perfect match maker, aren't I?

"I'm bitter?!!" She yelled at him.

"Kind of" He stated. "Well it's better than being perfect all the time" He said.

"Awwwh, he thinks I'm perfect" She said with a faint smile.

"She's back ladies and gentle men" I said out loud and earned a punch on the shoulder from Riley. "Maybe not" I said rubbing my shoulder and they all laughed.

"So Tobias, who'd you go to the dance with?" Megan asked.

"I didn't"

"What? Why????" I asked.

"Um.. There was no one to go with" He explained.

"Yes there was, Julia, Scarlet, Jenna, they were dateless"

"Umm.. I think I'll go get juice.. Anyone want anything?" He got up and left before we said no.

"You're an idiot" Riley said "He likes you"

"No he doesn't"

"Yeah he does, remember when he started hitting me that day for annoying you? And when he asked you to the dance and you totally rejected the idea. And the way he looks at you sometimes. Do I continue??" Steven said leaving me wide eyed, how did I not see that he likes me.

"I can't see myself with him, It's just not possible.. I mean he's nice and all, but he's just a friend.."

"So what you're talking about?" Tobias said from behind. We all fell silent and ate our food and I just wanted to go to class. Thankfully lunch ended a while after, but something else happened. Tobias pulled me behind him until we reached the corner where there's no one around.

"So, I was wondering.. Would you go out with me?" I swallowed the huge lump in my throat.

"Yeah of course, I'll ask the guys to come along too, where to?" I said cheerfully as if I was oblivious that he just asked me on a date and hoped that he won't correct my fake thoughts.

"Um.. I meant that we.. Umm nevermind" He walked past me to his class and I breathed in relief. I just don't see the both of us together.

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