Chapter 9

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Things are awkward between me and Tobias.. It seems that he's avoiding me.

"Hillary, late again for class"

"Sorry" I told my english teacher. "I was in the girls' room" I lied "I didn't hear the bell"

"Okay take your seat" I sat down next to Megan who was doodling something.

"Hello" A deep voice rang in my ear. I turned to see a new guy, a handsome guy, a guy with deep green eyes and golden hair.. A dream guy.

"Hii" I smiled at him confidently.

"I'm Dylan Grey"

"Hillary Williams"

"Miss Williams.. This is your last warning"

"Jeeez" I muttered under my breath.

The class went smoothly until lunch came, something unexpected happened..

"Hey Hillary, Remember me?" I looked at him a bit, It was..

"Nicolas????? Oh my God YOU'RE BACK" I launched at him and gave him a huge hug. He laughed and hugged me back.

"So where's Megan?" Oh my God, Megan.. Nicolas was her boyfriend.. Now she's with Chad..

"Umm.. She'd be here any minute but um she just started dating a guy.." He smiled softly at me.

"Well I didn't expect her to wait for me.. After all I left her without a proper goodbye"

"Hey man" Dylan told Nick "Oh hi Hillary, hope you're not his girl"

"Megan come see who's back" I yelled.. As soon as Nick turned around Meg's face brightened and then paled. Maybe she was happy that he's back but remembered that she's with Chad.

"H..Hey Nickyy," She hugged him an awkward hug, Riley hugged him the same hug I gave him, a deep affectionate one. "So you're back" Meg fake cheered.

"She's your girl??" Dylan asked.

"No I'm his friend" She said "And I have to leave"

"Oh" Nick said. She left followed by Riley.

I gave Nick a weak smile "Let's go see the boys" I said and he followed along with Dylan.

"So which one is your man?" Dylan asked me when we arrived to the table.

"None.. They're all my brothers.. except Tobias. He's our friend" Tobias's fists clenched but I ignored it.

"Good" Dylan said making me smirk.

The boys welcomed Nicky with warm hugs amd held him on their shoulders running around the school. I remained seated with Tobias and Dylan which was really awkward. Dylan started to flirt with me, and Tobias turned red. I thought he'd explode. I saw Ryan and Bethany walking, so I ushered for them to come.

"What's up Tobias, and what's your face"

"Be nice" Bethany told Ryan who repeated the question nicely. We chatted for a while then Dylan said "So, you know I'm new here, can you show me around Hillary?"

"Yes of course I would" I smiled at him a bit shyly. He just has that effect on me. I've been flirted with a lot, but this guy really knows how to make me blush.

"Ehhemmm, I'll help" Tobias said not wanting to leave him with me.

"May I talk to you for a bit?" Ryan asked then pulled me away from them followed by Bethany. "What are you doing?" Ryan asked me annoyed.

"Nothing" I stated.

"Why are you flirting with the jerk face.. You know Tobby likes you" Oh so that's what it's about..

"Ryan, Tobias is just a friend to me.. I really don't like him that way and I already gave him way too many hints about it."

"So you like this Dylan guy?" Beth said excitedly.

"I just met him" I giggled while Ryan gave her a stern look.

"Look this Dylan guy seems kind of bad, I really hate him" Ryan said.

"You said that about Tobias when he first came here" Beth defended.

"Chill it's not like.." I drifted off because next thing I saw was Tobias punching Dylan's face "You stay away from her" He said then went out of the cafeteria. I followed Tobias outside.

"Tobias why did you punch the dude" I yelled.

He turned around and his expressions were furious.. "I forbid you from seeing him" He took my hand voilently "Do you understand??" He hissed in my face. His eyes were dark with rage but so was I, Who was he to tell me what to do? And forbid me? Please.

"Let go of my hand"

"Dammit Melessa, you know I love you" He said.. Who the Hell is Melessa????

"Let go!!" I tried to yank my hand away from his but he pulled me closer, grabbed my head and forced my lips to his.. He bit my lip forcing me to open my mouth then slipped his tongue inside.. His kiss was voilent, enraged.. I tried to push him away but his grip was tighter.. As if he came back to his senses he pulled away from me, his brown eyes wide with agony and regret.. "I'm.. I'm sorry" he said. "I.. I didn't mean.. Hillary" He said.. I slapped his cheek leaving a red mark. I was crying involunterily. Jermy ran first to my aid, I guess someone told him what happened.. "Is it true?" He saw me crying then his face was emotionless. He launched at Tobias and punched him to the face.. "You son of a b***h, We trusted you" He kicked him repeatedly. The boys came and pulled Jermy away from a bloody Tobias lying on the floor waiting for more hits. Jermy came to my side again and put his hand around my shoulder. "Let's clean you up" He said. I didn't notice the blood on my lower lip but it hurt when I touched it. I was still crying, I don't know why but I couldn't stop. Tobias was suspended for a two weaks. When my parents came to pick me up, my dad was actually hoping that he could kill Tobias, but fortunately he went home. Rumors went all around the school.. Some rumors were that Tobias raped me but they didn't last long since three days after the incedent, a girl was caught using drugs and it was a relief that people stopped talking about me.

"Hey beautiful" Dylan hopped infront of me. "So since your sister and Nick are back to being just friends, Nicolas thinks he's on the way to getting her back"

"Really? I don't think she'll leave Chad."

"Well that's not the point" He said "I was thinking, since he is confident that he'll achieve this impossible mission, why don't I try to get you.. Since you're really tough to get and all"

"You think I'm hard to get?"

"Well yeah, that's what everyone has told me"

"Why don't you just ask me?"

"Would you go out with me on a date?"

"Yeah sure" I smiled.

"Really??" He scratched the back of his neck, "I thought you'll decieve me. Anyways, I'll pick you up at 8?" His green eyes brightened and I couldn't help but grin.

"Sure" I finally said. It's been a week since the incedent with Tobias and I really don't want to see him.

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