Chapter 14

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I was sitting on the bathroom floor, my head between my knees crying my heart out. I could hear them outside talking about me..

"Hillary? Are you okay? Come out"

"Go away Meg.. I don't need your pitty" I said supressing a sob.

"Honey, Just tell me what's wrong" Mom interfered. I couldn't tell them.. I was heartbroken. They finally left me alone after a lot of unanswered questions from everyone in the house.. I know they're still in the room but at least they're not knocking.

"Hillary? Open up it's me" It was Bethany.. She was the one I could tell.. She's the only one that I really wanted to tell.

I opened the door and let her in then locked it again. I glanced at myself in the mirror and I could say I was a horrible mess.. Puffy eyes, red nose, wet face..

"What happened?"

"Don't tell anyone" I whispered.. I didn't want anyone to hear.

"Okay.. Just spill"

"He's gone"

"Who's gone?"

"Dylan.. His dad shipped him to London for military school and I.." I stopped to swallow the lumb in my throat.

"You didn't!" She said "That jerk"

"No he's not.. I told him to sleep with me" Tears started spilling again "He didn't want to at first but then we did it.. And now he's gone" I cried again.

"It's alright Hill.. You'll get over it" She spoke in the hushed tone I was speaking in. "I know it" We sat like that for a while with my head on her shoulder silently until I said "I bet I look horrible"

"You said it not me.. It doesn't suit you to cry.. Now I know why you hide your cries.. You just want to keep that sexy look of yours" She said jockingly making me smile.

"So how many people are out there?"

"When I came in I thought you died.. Meg was blaming herself and Riley was crying for some reason.. Your dad was about to call 911.. I'm glad that Steve called me instead"

"I better clean up and walk out smiling."

"What'll you tell them?"

"That I broke up with Dylan and I'm over emotional because I'm in my period?"

"Nice cover"

"Well it's half the truth."


I washed my face with cold water to cool down my cheeks.. My eyes weren't red anymore niether was my nose.. I wonder how much time we've been sitting on that floor. I combed my hair and walked out to see all eyes on me.

"Jade? What are you doing here?"

"I came home for the barbeque and found everyone worried or crying."

"Oh.. I thought you guys went crazy and called her for a family emergency."

"So what happened"

"Um.. Nothing.. I just broke up with Dyl and I'm overemotional because I'm in my period"

"I knew it!" James said. Beth walked out the bathroom laughing at him..

After everyone left my room, I layed in my bed and I was almost asleep when Jade came in and sat on my bed. "So I think you're not telling the whole truth. What happened really? Why did you break up? Because I'm sure that you're not in you're period."

"How are you sure?"

"Because I checked the garbage" She said with a smirk.

I pulled a disgusted face "You're proud? Ewww"

"Well.. Now tell me what happened?"

"Oh man.. Let it go."

"No. You should talk about it"

"I did with Beth"

"So.. Why did you break up" Why can't she drop it.

"His dad sent him to a military school in London so we broke up."

"And? What happened?"

"Nothing.. I'm just sad he's gone."

"Liar.. Did something happen between you two?"

"Why? Did Bethany tell you something?"

"So something happened between you two.. Tell me what happened."

"I don't want to talk about it Jade! now leave me alone." I snapped. Why is she so nosey today..

"You slept with him" She said with a knowing smile.

"How did you know" I should've denied but the words came out before I could stop them. Riley and Meg and mom rushed in.. I should have known that this is a trap.. "Bitch" I murmered under my breath to Jade making sure she heard me, but she sent an appologetic smile.

"Did you use protection?" Mom asked directly. I nodded. "Oh God you're still 17.. Are you sure? Because you can't get pregnant.. I can't take another one of you to have a child at 17"

"Whose having a child? Are you pregnant?" Dad said looking furiously at me.

"No!" I defended.

"Then why were you crying? Did he force you into it?"

"Great, now it's turned to rape" I said sarcastically.

"I'm gonna kill him" Dad said.

"He didn't rape me!! In fact I told him to sleep with me and I was crying because his dad sent him away.. Now you know! Happy?!!!" I yelled at him like a lunatic and sat again on my bed.

"How could I be happy"

"Oh GODD! It was a rhetorical question dad.. Now can you leave the room?"


"Fine!" I said and left my room and out the house.. I wanted to go to Beth's but her mom dragged her to her cousins.. I went to my second best friend who won't even talk to me.. Chad. I knocked on the door with no answer.. Maybe he's asleep.. I was about to leave when he opened the door..
"Chad" I said and tears started falling down like a freaking waterfall.. I was hurt, heartbroken, and above all that.. I was embarrased. He quickly hugged me and made me come inside leading me to his room.

"I'm sorry I came in this late hour" I said.

"It's okay.."

"I know you don't want to talk to me.. Maybe I should leave" I stood up but he caught my hand and forced me to sit.

"You're not going until you tell me what's wrong" I told him what happened and how frustrated I feel about everything then he told me to spend the night at his house so I won't have to face them until I cool down. I took his bed and he slept on the floor. He's a great friend.. I can't believe that Meg was the one to hurt him.

"Yeah she's here" Chad's mother was talking on the phone probably to my parents. "Oh you woke up.. Hillary your parents are worried sick about you.. You should have called them before you slept"

"Oh I forgot.. Sorry"

"Okay.. Your dad is pretty mad so I bet you should go home."

"Yeah.. Tell Chad goodbye for me okay?"

"Sure honey."

"What were you thinking leaving like that? Are you insane? You know what you are grounded for a month.. No cell phone.. No TV.. No nothing. You will stay in your room do you understand?" I nodded and went upstairs.

"Hey" Jade said with a sorry I stabbed you in the back tone but I gave her the cold shoulder and layed on my bed. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole

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