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"Why does he keep looking at me?" I mumbled, closing my locker softly.
"Phil Lester."
My best friend, Lucy, snorted.
"You're the only out gay male in this school, maybe he wants to experiment."
I shoved her playfully. "He's a fuckboy."

Phil Lester was a senior, but I was in a lot of his classes. Himself and 80% of his 'gang' had impressively failed grade 12 twice, but I suppose when all you concentrate on is who you're going to fuck at the end of the night, you don't get too far down the education path.

The bell for first period went and Lucy and I headed to our Geography class. Phil wasn't in my geography class so I had to walk past him every Wednesday morning, which always ended in him saying something highly homophobic to me or something offensive to Lucy.

"Do they call you Lucy because you're loose?" Chris, one of Phil's ape friends called out to us as we walked quietly past.
"Go fuck yourself." Lucy replied, giving a sarcastic laugh and I rolled my eyes.
Phil locked eyes with me as we walked past.
"Hey Dan," he mocked in a feminine voice, giving me a wink and a wave.
They laughed before disappearing into a classroom.

"He would top you so hard."
"Lucy, shut the fuck up."

I was 42 minutes into third period; math, which meant lunch break was in 3 minutes. As the clock rolled over to 43 minutes, I could hear soft rustles of students putting away their text books and zipping their pencil cases. I anxiously chewed on my pen until the bell went, where 19 other students proceeded to rush out of the classroom in a stampede.

I met Lucy at the cafeteria, after I collected pizza and a carton of milk, in our usual place over in the corner.
"How was history?" I asked Lucy, taking a sip from my drink.
"Ugh." She laughed.
She was about to say something, but a hand slammed on the table, cutting her off.
"Hey fag."
"Phil, what a pleasant surprise," I mumbled, looking over at Lucy who was just as confused as I was.
"I'm having a party this weekend, you should come."
I knotted my eyebrows in confusion and frustration. Lucy stared at me with wide eyes, her milk mid-path to her mouth.
"Sorry wh-what?" I questioned and he sighed angrily.
"Party. My house. Friday. I live at the end of West Crescent, past the-"
"Are you fucking serious?" I snapped, looking into his blue eyes.
"Is this a fucking joke?" Lucy spoke up, laughing slightly.
"No," Phil snorted. "You better be there, Howell." He walked away, not looking back at me.
Lucy started howling with laughter, but I stayed quiet.
"What a dick," I mumbled.
"You have to go," Lucy stated once she stopped laughing.
"What? No way."
"Come on Dan, we never get invited to parties. This is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity. You can get all the dirty details, you may even save a poor defenceless female from the Philgon."
"Lucy, what the fuck. There is no way I am going to Phil fucking Lester, the fuckboy's, party. I have better things to do with my Friday night."
Lucy snorted and rolled her eyes.
"Getting off to Jensen Ackles and watching American Horror Story does not count as something 'better to do.'"
I slapped her hand and took a bite of my pizza.
"Where did he say he lived?"

hAhAa this is shit but who cares I kind of like it 😂
peace out ✌🏻️😏
-holly 🍆

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