a lame semi important note :)

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hello all!! i have a few things i need to discuss and i was going to just add a note at the end of an update but i have really terrible writers block oops.

so first of all, i want to know what YOU guys want to see from this book. the only reason i even continued to write alternate endings and such was because you guys were interested. so yeah, PLEASE let me know what kind of other things, if any, you want to see.

secondly, i just wanted to thank every single one of you for the amazing support and love i receive. i honestly think of you all as my family. on that note, i would love to get to know all of you more. i was thinking maybe a q&a? and you guys can ask questions and we can all answer them! this is just a maybe thing bc idek if you guys would be interested. i was just brainstorming :)

bUT YEAH comment some stuff for me to write/your opinions on a q&a if you like! xxx

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