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Classes were seemingly longer today.
The one class I had with Phil was painfully long, I could feel his azure hue eyes burning into my back.
I was walking to my lunch break with Lucy, her ash blonde ponytail swinging behind her happily. She kept asking me if I was okay, and I was sure I was, because things like this were uncanny and I shouldn't be focusing on it so much, god knows Phil wasn't.

"Move out the way, bitch,"
Chris shoved past me, Phil and Pj behind him, taking my place in the lunch line. Lucy looked at me, rolling her eyes. She opened her mouth to talk, but I quickly shook my head warningly, not wanting to start anymore trouble that these boys obviously already had with me.
Phil glanced at me, catching my eye. My heart sank when he didn't say anything, all though I had no reason to expect that he would even think about talking to me in front of his friends.

"You're not down because of those idiots are you?" Lucy asked once we had sat down in our usual spot. "Because they're just assholes who-"
"No, no, Lucy." I forced a smile. "Everything is fine."
She smiled back sympathetically.
She stuck her pinky finger out across the aluminum bench, an obvious sign that she wanted to form an unbreakable promise in the form of a grade school pact.
I linked my finger with hers, doing a small yank down. We laughed.

My last class of the day was Sexual Health class. Unfortunately, both Chris and his unloyal girlfriend, Tess, were in this class with me. They usually sat at the back, groping each other in the hopes of being thrown out if class so they could go fuck in the bathroom.
The professor was addressing STI's when Chris raised his hand, Tess playfully hitting him as if to say "you shouldn't say what you're about to say, but say it because i'll pretend to care for the victim and shag you in the closet later."

"Yes, Chris?"
"Sir, is it true that only gay people can get aids?"
I rolled my eyes so hard they could have fallen out from excessive sarcasm.
"No, Chris. Anybody can get aids."
"But gay people have a higher risk, right?"
"I don't think that's true, Chris."
He turned around to face me, a smirk playing on his lips.
"You should probably get checked, Dan."
The class laughed, however I didn't seem to fathom the joke as funny.
"Chris, I hate to break it to you, but with all those men your lovely girlfriend is on her knees for, you yourself probably have an STI. Maybe you should get checked."
It wasn't my best comeback I've ever made in a moment of weakness, but it shut him up for the rest of the class.

Lucy had swim practice after school, so we couldn't walk home together. I went a different way that was quicker for me, but being alone to think made it seemingly longer. As I neared the street my house was on, a black car slowed next to me.
"Do you need a ride?"
I looked up. Phil was sitting in the drivers seat, a genuine smile pressing on his pale rose lips.
"No," I began, starting to walk again. "I don't catch rides with assholes."
He drove along next to me, some bad rap song playing from the car radio.
"Please, Dan."
I slowed to a stop. "Is your cunt squad in there?" I stated blatantly, gesturing to the back seats of his jeep.
"You're very obstreperous, I like it." He laughed, making my cheeks turn a bright salmon tint. "So, Daniel, will I be giving you a ride?"
I ran my tongue over my lips, the cold air making them chapped and dry. "Okay."

Phil's car was very clean, a sign that he obviously took a lot of pride in it. He purposely missed my street and drove around the block a few times so he could talk to me.
"I'm really sorry Dan," he said softly, turning the radio down as we drove pass my house for the third time. "What I did was wrong, I shouldn't of kissed you and said those things, I am truly sorry. The boys thought it would be funny to have you there, I don't know what they would have done, but I didn't think you would come."
"I'm not a practical joke, Phil. You and your friends need to get that through your thick skulls. Treat me like a being, not some piece of shit that you get to kick around for your amusement."
He went quiet, staring at the road.
"Will you drop me off now?" I questioned, pointing at my house.
As he slowed the car, he grabbed my arm gently to stop me from moving.
We stared at each other. His cerulean hue eyes were intense and they made my stomach weak. His hand was still on my arm, a burning feeling resulting on my arm from his large hand.
"What do I have to do for you to forgive me?"
Kiss me.
"Just, leave me alone. Please."

I reluctantly tore away from his gaze, removing my arm as I exited his car and made my way up my foot path to my front door. I fumbled clumsily with my belongings, trying to find my spare house key.
Somebody grabbed me and spun me around to face them.
"You know I can't do that."
Phil's lips curled onto mine, my heart lurching. Dropping my bag onto the ground, I put my arms around Phil's neck. He strongly gripped my hips, pulling me up so I had to wrap my legs around his waist. He kissed me desperately and longingly, his arms resting under my butt to keep me supported. His skin was soft, his lips were warm and tender, and his touch made me melt further and further into his arms.

Just as I thought he would be asking to come in, he put me down and tore away.
"Fuck." He muttered, jumping away from me. "Fuck fuck fuck." He started to yell.
"What's wrong?" I panicked, glancing up at his distressed expression. He ran his hands through his ebony hair, breathing heavily. "What have you done?" He yelled, putting his head in his hands. "I can't do this!"
"What the fuck?" I screamed at him, my anger building up in my chest, making my breathing raspy and tight. Shoving him, he stumbled to the ground.

I wasn't thinking. I didn't even realise I had done it until he shoved me off and unsteadily risen to his feet, holding his nose. My hand was bloody, my knuckles slightly split and already bruising. Phil was dead silent, the only noise was the pounding in my head. I had never hit anyone before, and staring at Phil's bloody nose, split lip and bruising cheek bone made my stomach lurch with anxiety. I thought I might pass out. Phil moved slowly towards me and I expected him to hit me back. He could probably have killed me if he really wanted to, being twice my size, one of his hits could have left me unconscious for weeks. But he didn't, he just stood there and looked at me.

"Why are you doing this to me?"
He reached out to touch my arm, and I flinched away.
"Fuck off, Phil. I don't want anything to do with you."
"Dan," he said softly.
"I said fuck off!"

I left him. I didn't even bother to see if he was still standing there, I just ran up to my room and screamed.
I couldn't figure out if I was screaming because he used me or if it was because I felt something towards him that wasn't burning hatred.

I cant tell if this chapter was unclear or not. Basically, Phil pulled away because he realised that he was being super fucking gay and then he blamed the kiss on Dan to make his ice cold heart feel better.

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