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"Do you wanna hang out tonight?" I asked Lucy as I packed things from my locker to take home for studying. "I need to write notes for an English paper but I need a reason not to do it."
She laughed, grabbing my geography textbook for me. "Sure. Movie at mine?"
I zipped up my bag, taking my book from Lucy as we walked down the hallway busy with rushing students, occluded with the hope of catching the 3:15pm tram.
"Do you think you could help me with an assignment?"

A large weight pushed me into my locker. I reached out to grab Lucy's hand for stability, but I was ripped to the hard tile floor with great force. My breathing turned ragged and shaky. Trying to make out any familiar figures, I watched as a crowd grew subtly around me. I heard Lucy yell as somebody jumped on top of me, hitting down onto my face, a hit I was sure would shatter my skull.
"Stop." I tried weakly.
Another forceful blow hit my side, making me double over into a ball. My head was ringing, my side felt like I had been hit with aftermath shrapnel and my chest was caving in on itself from fear. My blurred vision started to clear, and I could make out Pj and Chris surrounded by students with their cellphones out. Lucy was yelling at them to stop, tears visible in her eyes as she tried to forcefully remove Chris from me but he just shrugged her off.
Another punch was thrown at my lips with a resultant of a metallic blood taste filling my mouth. I turned my head to the side to spit blood onto the floor so I didn't swallow too much of it.
I used all my strength to try and push Chris off of me, but he was too heavy and my arms felt weak. My thoughts drifted to death, however dying a gay virgin with my last words being "stop" didn't sound like a pleasant way to go out.
"This is what you get for fucking with Phil, you piece of shit!" Pj yelled at me, kicking me in the leg before spitting on me.
Chris raised his fist again and I shut my eyes tightly, trying to not let him see any tears that were forming in my eyes. I waited for the impact of his hit, but before it came he was shoved off of me with a large amount of force.
"Get away from him!"

I opened my eyes, Lucy pulling me away to the edge of the circle. Nobody was looking at me anymore, they were looking at Phil. He had Chris pinned down, telling him to chill out and take a breath. Chris didn't hit Phil, he just relaxed onto the cold tile floor.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Pj exclaimed angrily. Phil moved to me with short breaths, helping me up and examining my face.
"Are you okay?" He whispered, looking down at me with his night sky eyes.
"Why are you helping him?" Pj practically screamed, yanking Phil away from me.
"Pj, take a breath." Chris mumbled from the floor.
Pj panicked, shoving Phil in a spit of rage. Chris jumped up, grabbing Pj under his arms and holding him so he couldn't move. "Pj, what are you doing? It's Phil, for crying out loud!"

The crowd had moved away, all deciding that the show was more than over and it was time to go home, to tell their younger siblings how cool high school was because there were fights around every corner.
"Why are you helping him?" Pj repeated, slightly more calm than previously. Phil stood protectively in front of me, his stance wide.
"You can't do this to him anymore." Phil stated quietly.
"Look at what he did to you!" Pj yelled, squirming in Chris' grip.
"He's done nothing wrong, Pj."
"Look at your fucking face Phil!"
"This wasn't his fault!" Phil screamed, stepping towards Pj as if to hit him.
"Than whose fault was it?"
"Mine!" Phil yelled, his voice shaking. "It was all my fault! I didn't mean to flip out after I kissed him, but I did! He had every right to hit me." His voice trailed off, his body leaning over slightly once he realised what he had admitted to.
"Kissed?" Chris questioned, releasing Pj from his hold. Phil started to panic, his hands shaking. Lucy stared at me, her face expressionless from shock.
We were all silent for a minute, the only sound was Phil's heavy, dragged out breathing.
"I'm," Phil stopped himself, holding the next words back. His whole body seemed to be shaking as Chris and Pj stared at him patiently. "I'm gay."

This was kind of short and not that good, but I tried. Also, this update is late af because I had a really busy week and I've been tired as hell but its school holidays so hopefully regular updates will be coming soon 💕

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